mailRe: CST branch

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Posted by Edward d'Auvergne on April 12, 2011 - 17:07:

I think we should avoid optimising the bond length and the CSA tensor,
if the full tensor is used or if there are multiple bond lengths for
one spin, at least for now.  This could be caught in the setup method
and a RelaxError thrown saying that the optimisation of these things
is not yet implemented.  That will allow for the current models and
the new code to work together.  Optimisation of the CSA tensor or
multiple dipole-dipole distances is too much effort for now, and there
probably isn't enough information in the current data to extract this.
 What do you think?



On 12 April 2011 15:28, Pavel Kaderavek <pavel.kaderavek@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

it seems possible, but I think that it means that there will be for each
type of the interaction an unique (d,d2)ri_comps function. It will be
defined in the setup_equation (, class Mf). Currently, the
(d,d2)ri_comps function is selected just based on the fact whether the
values of physical quantities (internuclei distance, csa) are optimized or
not. Now it will be selected again according to the same criteria and
moreover according the type of interaction. This ensure that inside the
function (d,d2)ri_comps the function create_(d,d2)ri_comps will be called
with appropriate parameters.

Generally, it is probably not very convenient to optimize all internuclei
distances, but only the most crucial one (to the bonded hydrogen) would be
sufficient. However, the selection should be upon user. The optimalization
of CST will be also quite difficult, because 5 parameters would be needed to
optimize (3 euler angles + 2 csa values - corresponding to two pseudo
chemical shielding tensors which stand for asymmetric chemical shielding
tensor - hence I always mention csa1 and csa2 as well as the cross-term,
because they are not independent). So far I would consider only the
optimalization of the eigenvalues of the tensors, the optimalization of the
orientation might be added later.

Best regards,

On 22 March 2011 12:23, Edward d'Auvergne <edward@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

At this point we would like to address a related question. Currently
calculation of physical constant is done in a several steps. First,
physical constant is calculated and the value is stored in the
data.dip_const_func or data.csa_const_func (grad, hess). Then, when
relaxation rates are calculated, the physical constant is
the function create_dip_func or create_csa_func (grad, hess) (method
setup_equations in class Mf, maths_fns/

            comp_dip_const_func(data, data.bond_length)
            comp_csa_const_func(data, data.csa)
            for i in xrange(data.num_ri):
                data.dip_comps_func[i] = data.dip_const_func
                if data.create_dip_func[i]:
                    data.dip_comps_func[i] =
                if data.create_csa_func[i]:
                    data.csa_comps_func[i] =

There is one exception, the dipolar physical constant is not
recalculated in
the case of calculation R1 relaxation rate, because the function
create_dip_func does not exist in this case. We do not see a reason
a recalculation.

The reason is because of the m10 to m39 models built into relax.  I
have made it possible to optimise the bond length and CSA information.
 However these models are not stable with the current relaxation data.
 I do plan on working with these in the future though, so it would be
useful to keep them.  Note that for models m0 to m9, the
data.create_dip_func[i] and data.create_csa_func[i] function pointers
are set to None.  Therefore for normal model-free analysis the
constant is not recalculated.

It seems better to us to just change the coefficient in the
functions comp_r1_dip_jw, comp_r2_dip_jw, comp_r1_csa_jw,
(maths_fns/ I guess, that this design was dedicated to
multiple calculation of the same interaction constant for each
relaxation rate. We would suggest to reach the same effect by this

            for i in xrange(data.num_ri):
                if data.const_func[0]:
                    data.const_func[i] = data.const_func[0]

For models m10 to m39, this construct will not work.  The constants
are already pre-calculated for models m0 to m9 so this is not needed.

Note, the comp_dip_const_func and comp_csa_const_func should be
that, it is possible to call them just with the argument data
(maths_fns/ Instead of:

def comp_dip_const_func(data, bond_length):
    """Calculate the dipolar constant.


    if bond_length == 0.0:
        data.dip_const_func = 1e99
        data.dip_const_func = 0.25 * data.dip_const_fixed *

It should look like:

def comp_dip_const_func(data):
    """Calculate the dipolar constant.


    if data.internuclei_distance == 0.0:
        data.const_func = 1e99
        data.const_func = 0.25 * data.dip_const_fixed *

The bond_length arg was designed so that the bond length could either
come from a fixed value supplied by the user or from the parameter
vector when bond lengths or CSA values are optimised.  This behaviour
might have to be preserved.

data.dip_const_func were renamed to more general data.const_func and
of bond_length the function directly takes  the internuclei distance
current dipole-dipole interaction. The change of data.dip_const_func
data.const_func later simplify the code design in the
. It will be reduced just to a multiplication of constant and the
combination of spectral density functions.

For models m10 to m39, I'm not sure if this design would work.  Could
we redesign this in another way in which these complex models are
still functional?

Then, we would suggest to call the function  comp_dip_const_func,
comp_csa_const_func ... with full set of possible parameters, i.e.
If we would call the function with just physically relevant arguments
we would have to use yet another condition to decide the type of the
interaction in the loop where individual interaction contributions are
calculated. The physical quantities irrelevent for the given interaction
(for example csa1,csa2,rex for the dipole-dipole interaction) are None
the initialization and will not be used by the function anyway.

It would be easier to have a different function for each physical
constant, as this is very specific code.  For example
comp_dip_const_func is only called from functions which require the
dipolar constant.  For the normal model-free models, this is only
called during setup.  So there is no need to pass in the csa1 and csa2
constants, or Rex for this specific function.  For the CSA constants,
do you calculate 2 separate constants?  For example would you use:


where data[x] in each case is a different interaction?

Moreover, there is an unanswered question about the NOE and the
dipolar interaction. I am not sure if the suggested design is
correct, rather not. During the NOE experiment, the protons are
saturated in
order to reach the steady state. Then a complete set cross relaxation
between all interacting spin pairs should be taken into the account,
only between the spin of interest and all other interacting nuclei.
other hand this is probably beyond the aim of the program relax. What
think about that?

This is getting quite complex as you would need to take the
cross-correlated relaxation rates between the different relaxation
interactions into account, as well as the motion of all spins if they
are not directly bonded.  Is this needed for the current work?  Of
course anything is accepted into relax, especially if you would like
to probe this area (with a paper in mind), but it has to play nicely
with the rest of relax and not be a burden on the relax developers to
maintain in the future (as well as not make the current number
crunching code slower than it already is).  The code would therefore
need to be designed in public.  So if you would like to tackle such a
task, I would first recommend finishing off the cst branch, and then
make a new branch for this work.

Then, I will design the code as I suggested. So, the sigma_noe will be
calculated separately for all dipole-dipole interactions with the
spin (assuming they are isolated spin pairs). The total sigma_noe will
calculated as a sum of all individual sigma_noe contributions.

This sounds the most reasonable for a first approximation.  In reality
the cross rates will be important as well.



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