mailStorage of the theta and omega_eff dispersion parameters.

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Posted by Edward d'Auvergne on March 06, 2014 - 08:59:
Hi Troels,

I've been thinking about the problem a bit deeper, and I am now
wondering if the flip angle theta and the omega_eff values actually
need to be stored at all.  It sounds like their intended use is for
generating the X values for 2D Grace plots.  Do you have another
purpose in mind?

If this is the only purpose, then there is no need to store these
values.  The functions of the specific_analyses.relax_disp.disp_data
can generate these on demand.  The return_offset_data() function can
create the data at any time.  The structure of the dispersion
variables in the data pipes has been made as simple as possible, with
all secondary parameters and values calculated from the base values.
But these secondary parameters are never stored.  One main reason is
because a user will often go back and modify/fix one of the base
values (they may have incorrectly typed/calculated the offset value).
And there is no mechanism to update the secondary parameters when the
base parameter, that is depends on, has been modified.

For the Grace graphs of the relax_disp.plot_disp_data user function,
all you need is to call the return_offset_data() function within the
plot_disp_curves() function of the same module, and then place the
appropriate values along the X-axis.  Then when the function finishes,
all the data structures are automatically deleted by the Python



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