mailtwo questions: hybrid analysis and convergence problems

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Posted by Douglas Kojetin on June 24, 2007 - 19:13:
Hi All,

I have two separate but related questions. I am using relax 1.2 (svn version 3301). I have relaxation data collected at two fields -- 500 and 600 MHz. However, I have data for 9 additional residues at 600 MHz that were unresolved at 500 MHz.

(1) The protein I am studying has two domains, with considerable interactions between them, connected by a flexible linker. When all data (domains + linker) was included in the calculations, the protocol picked local_tm for the AIC selection of the diffusion tensor. I would like to analyze my data using a hybrid model: (a) the two domains together (using the same diffusion tensor) and (b) the flexible linker using a separate diffusion tensor (likely local_tm). My guess is that a prolate or oblate tensor will be selected for the domains when analyzed without data from the linker region (the quadric_diffusion program from Art Palmer suggests an axially symmetric tensor is a good approximation).

Can anyone provide an example of a script where relax is used to analyze a hybrid model, or briefly outline the steps? For example, should I run a local_tm optimization using all residues, then unselect the flexible linker residues in the unresolved file (as specified in the script) and continue the optimization of the other tensors (sphere, prolate, oblate and ellipsoid)?

(2) I am currently running the protocol, without the data for the linker region. The optimization of the prolate tensor is taking much longer than the other tensors for this calculation (currently on round_30), as well as the prolate calculation using all data including the linker region (it converged in 14 rounds). The differences in the parameters between rounds are very small:

# Convergence tests #

Chi-squared test:
    chi2 (k-1): 785.88714033105236
    chi2 (k):   785.88714033128417
    The chi-squared value has not converged.

Identical model-free models test:
    The model-free models have converged.

Identical parameter test:
    Parameter:   tm
    Value (k-1): 6.794068350295769e-09
    Value (k):   6.7940683502957698e-09
    The diffusion parameters have not converged.

    Parameter:   Da
    Value (k-1): 6337661.7164024841
    Value (k):   6337661.7164041474
    The diffusion parameters have not converged.

    Parameter:   theta
    Value (k-1): 1.6904048161417038
    Value (k):   1.6904048161417222
    The diffusion parameters have not converged.

    Parameter:   phi
    Value (k-1): 0.30710640562938446
    Value (k):   0.30710640562950142
    The diffusion parameters have not converged.


relax does not report a problem for a specific residue, as was reported in the following post ( users/2006-12/msg00002.html). Could this be a result of having data at only one field for the 9 residues?

Thanks in advance,


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