mailRe: Hybrid model and writing of results

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Posted by Sébastien Morin on April 08, 2008 - 19:46:
Hi again,

I realized I didn't supply my script for hybridization... If it can be of any help, here it is :

# Code for running a hybrid model #

# The core diffusion model to hybridize with the C-terminus.
CORE = 'sphere'
CORE_hybrid = 'sphere_hybrid'

# The PDB file.

# The file containing the sequence.

# The optimisation technique.
MIN_ALGOR = 'newton'

# The number of Monte Carlo simulations to be used for error analysis.
MC_NUM = 500

# Main code #

# Create the hybrid run
run.create(CORE, 'mf')
run.create('C-terminus', 'mf')

# Load the runs., 'results', CORE)'C-terminus', 'results', 'C-terminus')

# Create the hybridized model.
run.hybridise(hybrid=CORE_hybrid, runs=[CORE, 'C-terminus'])

# Load the sequence, SEQUENCE)

# Write the final results.
results.write(run=CORE_hybrid, file='results', dir=CORE_hybrid, format='columnar', force=1)

I can't find how to make this script work without crashing at the results writing step.

Can anyone help me ?

Thanks !

Séb  :)

Sébastien Morin wrote:

I encountered an error with the results.write() function concerning the format when trying to work with an hybrid model.

In the default format (columnar) :


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 41, in ?
results.write(run=CORE_hybrid, file='results', dir=CORE_hybrid, format='columnar', force=1)
  File "/usr/local/packages/relax/prompt/", line 201, in write
self.__relax__.generic.results.write(run=run, file=file, directory=dir, force=force, format=format, compress_type=compress_type) File "/usr/local/packages/relax/generic_fns/", line 160, in write raise RelaxError, "The " + format + " format is not currently supported for " + self.relax.specific_setup.get_string(function_type) + "." RelaxError: RelaxError: The columnar format is not currently supported for hybrid models.


Or in the XML format :


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 41, in ?
results.write(run=CORE_hybrid, file='results', dir=CORE_hybrid, format='xml', force=1)
  File "/usr/local/packages/relax/prompt/", line 201, in write
self.__relax__.generic.results.write(run=run, file=file, directory=dir, force=force, format=format, compress_type=compress_type) File "/usr/local/packages/relax/generic_fns/", line 160, in write raise RelaxError, "The " + format + " format is not currently supported for " + self.relax.specific_setup.get_string(function_type) + "." RelaxError: RelaxError: The XML format is not currently supported for hybrid models.


Am I doing something wrong ?

Is it possible to write results from an hybrid model ?

Thanks !

Séb  :)

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