mailRe: error message when running - SOLVED

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Posted by Edward d'Auvergne on September 03, 2009 - 11:24:

Great!  In other Linux distributions the profile module comes with the
python development packages.  Anyway, thanks to your comment I've now
made relax independent of this package (it will be in relax-1.3.5 and
higher, when they come out):



2009/9/3 Tiago Pais <tpais@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Thank you Edward and Michael for your help!

Indeed installing the profiler package has solved the problem:

"This seems to be a Ubuntu problem, but I could solve it by installing
python-profiler. You just have to search for "python-profiler" in your
Synaptic Package Manager and let it install the missing package.

This should solve the problem!


Best regards
Tiago P

-----Original Message-----
From: edward.dauvergne@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:edward.dauvergne@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Edward d'Auvergne
Sent: quarta-feira, 2 de Setembro de 2009 18:51
To: Tiago Pais
Cc: relax-users@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: error message when running


Could you try typing the following in Python:

import profile

If this fails, then the Python profile module is not installed.  This
will be located in the libpython2.6-devel or lib64python2.6-devel
package which should be installed.  Thank you for pointing out this
issue, I'll see if I can try to remove this dependency from relax.



2009/9/2 Tiago Pais <tpais@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
I am using Ubuntu 9.04 and Python 2.6.2
"Python 2.6.2 (release26-maint, Apr 19 2009, 01:56:41)
[GCC 4.3.3] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information."


-----Original Message-----
From: edward.dauvergne@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:edward.dauvergne@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Edward d'Auvergne
Sent: quarta-feira, 2 de Setembro de 2009 13:19
To: Tiago Pais
Cc: relax-users@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: error message when running


This looks like a python version issue, but I need a more information
to be able to tell what is happening.  Which version of python are you
using?  And which version of Ubuntu?  Could you also paste the message
that looks a little like:

$ python
Python 2.5.2 (r252:60911, Aug 22 2009, 11:43:11)
[GCC 4.2.3 (4.2.3-6mnb1)] on linux2
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.



2009/9/2 Tiago Pais <tpais@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Dear Edward,
I have now installed the relax 1.3.4 program in a virtual machine running
Ubuntu but I now I get the following error message:

tpais@tpais-desktop:~$ relax
Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/local/bin/relax", line 44, in <module>
   import profile
ImportError: No module named profile

Can you help?


-----Original Message-----
From: edward.dauvergne@xxxxxxxxx [mailto:edward.dauvergne@xxxxxxxxx] On
Behalf Of Edward d'Auvergne
Sent: quarta-feira, 12 de Agosto de 2009 15:07
To: Tiago Pais
Cc: Vic Vostr; relax-users@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: value.display()


Please see below for answers to your questions.

On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 12:53 PM, Tiago Pais<tpais@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Edward,
I have some questions relating the functioning of relax 1.3.3:
1- When I initiate the relax command a get an error message about a
DLL (python25.dll). However the program manages to start anf get to the
command line. Is this DLL related to the "curve fitting" module? Does
relax program run properly without this DLL

This is a strange error.  It is related to Python and not relax, and
is the main Python library used by all Python programs.  Do you have
Python 2.5 installed?  Could you cut and paste the error message?  Do
you get the same message if you run python from the command prompt as

2- The "relax --test-suite" routine seems to stall after a while. I have
three "F" in the middle of the dotted line. Can this be related to the

I'm not sure.  If you're using Python 2.5 and getting this error, then
relax should not run.  This is strange.

The stalling is likely to be on a system test which takes a while to
run.  It should be finished in 1-3 min though, unless you are using a
very old machine.  I'm currently fixing all the tests on windows in
the 1.3 repository code, and relax 1.3.4 when released should pass
most tests (note that 2 unit tests of the float module are know to

3- The "TAB" button is not working within relax

This is a windows only problem as there is no special library called
'readline'.  If this is too annoying, maybe running this in GNU/Linux
(in a virtual machine if necessary) would be the easiest way to remove
this lack of TAB key.

And now some question related to my specific case:
1- What is the nomenclature to describe the C nucleus in a methyl group?
will have to assume an effective CH vector and not three different ones
each proton; how do I tell this to the program?

This is slightly problematic because of all the cross-correlated
relation rates (interference).  There is no theory to handle this,
that I am aware of.  People overcome this by specific labelling so
that there is one hydrogen and two deuteriums (e.g. see Lewis Kay's
papers).  Not only are the interference effects fatal, but the three
CH vectors experience different spectral density functions J(w).  The
J(w) are direction dependent, and here you have three different
directions which constantly change.  Again the theory is completely
missing, as far as I know.  What you need is a reference where someone
has handled the 1H-13C relaxation rates from a CH3 group before!  Or
you'll need to derive the necessary theory.

2- What is the format for the input R1,R2, and NOE data? Couldn't seem
find it written in the manual.

relax will handle any column formatted file.  See the help for the user function in the manual for full details, or

relax> help(

Sorry for all these questions but I am just starting dealing with this

No problems.  If you have any other questions, please don't hesitate to



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