mailPossible bug in relax

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Posted by Olivier Serve on December 01, 2009 - 13:20:
Hi all,
        I wrote possible bug in my title, because I am not sure yet it is not 
my mistake. Here is my problem :
        I ran smoothly all the following scripts :,, But when I ran the, I got the following error 
message : RelaxError: The selection string u'u' is invalid. (The name of the 
molecule begins by 'u' (ubiquitin))
        I tracked down the error (very deep) into relax : -> 
prompt/model_selection.Modsel -> 
 at line 1879.
        The code is the following : (selection is a selection string : 
#<mol_name> :<res_id>[, <res_id>[, <res_id>, ...]] @<atom_id>[, <atom_id>[, 
<atom_id>, ...]],)
            if type(selection) == str:
                selection = [selection]
            select_obj = []
            for i in range(len(selection)):

        I think the problem here is that there is an iteration over a 
selection string (something like #ubi....), so when the Selection function 
sees 'u' alone, it does not mean anything and it raises the error.
        I turn the code into :
        And change the code accordingly a few lines after. The script seemed 
to have run smoothly afterward.

        If this is a bug, I'll be glad to open a bug report. If not, well, 
I'll be glad to know what I am doing wrong.

I wish all of you a nice day,
Best regards,
Olivier Serve

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