mailRelax 1.3.11 ri_label

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Posted by Maddy Strickland on August 23, 2011 - 18:24:

I've been trying to use the new 1.3.11, skipping straight from 1.3.9. 
I've been having trouble with the script.  The
program doesn't seem to recognise this script like 1.3.9 does.  The error
comes after reading the sequence, so I assume it must be when reading the
data files (NOE/R1/R2 etc.).  I think it's something to do with the fact
that 'RELAX_DATA' hasn't been updated in the same way as
''.  It's getting 'ri_label' rather than the 'ri_id' it's
expecting?  Is there a way of formatting this script that solves this
problem?  I've tried loads of different ways.


None       2033       HIS        None       N
None       2034       HIS        None       N
None       2035       HIS        None       N
None       2036       HIS        None       N
None       2037       HIS        None       N
None       2038       HIS        None       N
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/relax", line 7, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/relax/", line 80, in start
  File "/usr/local/relax/", line 149, in __init__
  File "/usr/local/relax/prompt/", line 297, in run
    return run_script(intro=self.__intro_string, local=locals(),
script_file=script_file, quit=self.__quit_flag,
  File "/usr/local/relax/prompt/", line 606, in run_script
    return console.interact(intro, local, script_file, quit,
show_script=show_script, raise_relax_error=raise_relax_error)
  File "/usr/local/relax/prompt/", line 492, in interact_script
    exec_script(script_file, local)
  File "/usr/local/relax/prompt/", line 380, in exec_script
    runpy.run_module(module, globals)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/", line 140, in run_module
    fname, loader, pkg_name)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.6/", line 34, in _run_code
    exec code in run_globals
line 199, in <module>
    dAuvergne_protocol(diff_model=DIFF_MODEL, mf_models=MF_MODELS,
local_tm_models=LOCAL_TM_MODELS, pdb_file=PDB_FILE, seq_args=SEQ_ARGS,
het_name=HET_NAME, attached_name=ATTACHED_NAME, relax_data=RELAX_DATA,
unres=UNRES, exclude=EXCLUDE, bond_length=BOND_LENGTH, csa=CSA,
hetnuc=HETNUC, proton=PROTON, grid_inc=GRID_INC, min_algor=MIN_ALGOR,
mc_num=MC_NUM, conv_loop=CONV_LOOP)
  File "/usr/local/relax/auto_analyses/", line 228,
in __init__
  File "/usr/local/relax/auto_analyses/", line 556,
in execute
  File "/usr/local/relax/auto_analyses/", line 821,
in multi_model[0], frq_label=data[1],
frq=data[2], file=data[3], dir=data[4], mol_name_col=data[5],
res_num_col=data[6], res_name_col=data[7], spin_num_col=data[8],
spin_name_col=data[9], data_col=data[10], error_col=data[11],
TypeError: read() got an unexpected keyword argument 'ri_label'
[ms4225@amber FINALC_110823_relax11]$

Madeleine Strickland

MCJC Group
N317, School of Chemistry, Bristol University

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