mailcorrelation time and error

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Posted by Romel Bobby on May 11, 2012 - 06:36:
Hi all,

First of all, I want to thank the users and developers on this mailing list for their constant support for people like me. This forum has helped me with several issues.

Recently, I have started using relax to extract model-free parameters from NMR spin relaxation experiments and so far I've been happy with the software.
For my analysis, I've been using the model scripts that come with the software and at the end, after optimisation and model selections, I've been extracting the results from the final run, ie after the MC simulation, by using the script written by Michael Bieri

However, that script gives me the final values for the rotational correlation time and parameters for the diffusion tensor among many other. However, from the script one cannot get the errors associated with the correlation time (and also for the diffusion tensor parameters). Surely, from the MC simulations it ought to be possible to get an estimation on the uncertainties of these values (?).
Unfortunately, I'm not very familiar with the interior of relax, or python for that matter, that I was able to find a solution yet.

Any kind of help/suggestion will be greatly appreciated.

Kind regards,

Romel Bobby, PhD Student
Biomolecular NMR Research Group
School of Chemical Sciences/School of Biological Sciences
The University of Auckland
+64 (09) 3737599 Ext 83157

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