mailRe: my log

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Posted by Edward d'Auvergne on May 25, 2012 - 11:32:
Hi Jimmy,

I have just fixed a bug that I introduced with the multiple bond
vector recent fixes.  So if you have run 'svn up' between now and my
previous mail, you will need to run this command again to get this



On 25 May 2012 09:59, Edward d'Auvergne <edward@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Jimmy,

Thank you for that info, I can now clearly see the problem :)  I have
modified the 1.3 relax line to catch this problem, so if you run 'svn
up' on your checked out copy and rerun the script, the error will be
much more informative.  I have also modified the structure.vectors
user function so that you will be informed as to how many vectors this
reads in.

Because of the problem, it would be appreciated if you could create a
massively truncated PDB and relaxation data files with script, and
attach it to your bug report (assuming this data still reproduces the
error).  The problem, as indicated by the print out you sent, is
possibly a mal-formed PDB file.  The following two relax print out
lines reveal this problem:

Adding molecule 'rS2_mol1' to model None (from the original molecule
number 1 of model None)
Adding molecule 'rS2_mol2' to model None (from the original molecule
number 2 of model None)

Without seeing the PDB file itself, it looks like your the file
contains two NMR models without the PDB 'MODEL' record within the
file.  Is this the case?  Alternatively it could be a perfectly fine
X-ray structure with two identical molecules within the unit cell.  In
any case, if there is a truncated data set attached to the bug, I
could add this to the relax test suite and then build a better
solution around this.  As the PDB format has incredibly abused across
the decades, being able to handle the entire PDB universe elegantly is
a very difficult problem.



On 25 May 2012 05:34, James Nyirenda <jamesn7414@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear Edward, find the log file after i run the script dauvergne_protocol
using my values
Hope this helps you understand my problem about vectors.

                                 relax 1.3.16

                    Molecular dynamics by NMR data analysis

                   Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Edward d'Auvergne
              Copyright (C) 2006-2012 the relax development team

This is free software which you are welcome to modify and redistribute 
the conditions of the GNU General Public License (GPL).  This program,
including all modules, is licensed under the GPL and comes with absolutely
warranty.  For details type 'GPL' within the relax prompt.

Assistance in using the relax prompt and scripting interface can be 
typing 'help' within the prompt.

Processor fabric:  Uni-processor.

script = ''
# Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Edward
d'Auvergne                                   #
# This file is part of the program
relax.                                     #
# relax is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify               #
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
by        #
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License,
or           #
# (at your option) any later
version.                                         #
# relax is distributed in the hope that it will be
useful,                    #
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
of              #
the               #
# GNU General Public License for more
details.                                #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License           #
# along with relax; if not, write to the Free
Software                        #
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307
USA   #

"""Script for black-box model-free analysis.

This script is designed for those who appreciate black-boxes or those who
appreciate complex code.  Importantly data at multiple magnetic field
strengths is essential for this analysis.  The script will need to be
heavily tailored to the molecule in question by changing the variables just
below this documentation.  If you would like to change how model-free
analysis is performed, the code in the class Main can be changed as needed.
For a description of object-oriented coding in python using classes,
functions/methods, self, etc., see the python tutorial.

If you have obtained this script without the program relax, please visit


The model-free optimisation methodology herein is that of:

    d'Auvergne, E. J. and Gooley, P. R. (2008b). Optimisation of NMR 
models II. A new methodology for the dual optimisation of the model-free
parameters and the Brownian rotational diffusion tensor. J. Biomol. NMR,
40(2), 121-133

Other references for features of this script include model-free model
selection using Akaike's Information Criterion:

    d'Auvergne, E. J. and Gooley, P. R. (2003). The use of model selection
in the model-free analysis of protein dynamics. J. Biomol. NMR, 25(1),

The elimination of failed model-free models and Monte Carlo simulations:

    d'Auvergne, E. J. and Gooley, P. R. (2006). Model-free model
elimination: A new step in the model-free dynamic analysis of NMR 
data. J. Biomol. NMR, 35(2), 117-135.

Significant model-free optimisation improvements:

    d'Auvergne, E. J. and Gooley, P. R. (2008a). Optimisation of NMR 
models I. Minimisation algorithms and their performance within the
model-free and Brownian rotational diffusion spaces. J. Biomol. NMR, 40(2),

Rather than searching for the lowest chi-squared value, this script 
for the model with the lowest AIC criterion.  This complex multi-universe,
multi-dimensional search is formulated using set theory as the universal

    d'Auvergne, E. J. and Gooley, P. R. (2007). Set theory formulation of
the model-free problem and the diffusion seeded model-free paradigm. 3(7),

The basic three references for the original and extended model-free 

    Lipari, G. and Szabo, A. (1982a). Model-free approach to the
interpretation of nuclear magnetic-resonance relaxation in macromolecules 
Theory and range of validity. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 104(17), 4546-4559.

    Lipari, G. and Szabo, A. (1982b). Model-free approach to the
interpretation of nuclear magnetic-resonance relaxation in macromolecules
II. Analysis of experimental results. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 104(17), 

    Clore, G. M., Szabo, A., Bax, A., Kay, L. E., Driscoll, P. C., and
Gronenborn, A.M. (1990). Deviations from the simple 2-parameter model-free
approach to the interpretation of N-15 nuclear magnetic-relaxation of
proteins. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 112(12), 4989-4991.

How to use this script

The value of the variable DIFF_MODEL will determine the behaviour of this
script.  The five diffusion models used in this script are:

    Model I   (MI)   - Local tm.
    Model II  (MII)  - Sphere.
    Model III (MIII) - Prolate spheroid.
    Model IV  (MIV)  - Oblate spheroid.
    Model V   (MV)   - Ellipsoid.

Model I must be optimised prior to any of the other diffusion models, while
the Models II to V can be optimised in any order.  To select the various
models, set the variable DIFF_MODEL to the following strings:

    MI   - 'local_tm'
    MII  - 'sphere'
    MIII - 'prolate'
    MIV  - 'oblate'
    MV   - 'ellipsoid'

This approach has the advantage of eliminating the need for an initial
estimate of a global diffusion tensor and removing all the problems
associated with the initial estimate.

It is important that the number of parameters in a model does not exceed 
number of relaxation data sets for that spin.  If this is the case, the 
of models in the MF_MODELS and LOCAL_TM_MODELS variables will need to be

Model I - Local tm

This will optimise the diffusion model whereby all spin of the molecule 
a local tm value, i.e. there is no global diffusion tensor.  This model
needs to be optimised prior to optimising any of the other diffusion
models.  Each spin is fitted to the multiple model-free models separately,
where the parameter tm is included in each model.

AIC model selection is used to select the models for each spin.

Model II - Sphere

This will optimise the isotropic diffusion model.  Multiple steps are
required, an initial optimisation of the diffusion tensor, followed by a
repetitive optimisation until convergence of the diffusion tensor.  Each of
these steps requires this script to be rerun. For the initial optimisation,
which will be placed in the directory './sphere/init/', the following steps
are used:

The model-free models and parameter values for each spin are set to those 
diffusion model MI.

The local tm parameter is removed from the models.

The model-free parameters are fixed and a global spherical diffusion tensor
is minimised.

For the repetitive optimisation, each minimisation is named from 'round_1'
onwards.  The initial 'round_1' optimisation will extract the diffusion
tensor from the results file in './sphere/init/', and the results will be
placed in the directory './sphere/round_1/'.  Each successive round will
take the diffusion tensor from the previous round.  The following steps are

The global diffusion tensor is fixed and the multiple model-free models are
fitted to each spin.

AIC model selection is used to select the models for each spin.

All model-free and diffusion parameters are allowed to vary and a global
optimisation of all parameters is carried out.

Model III - Prolate spheroid

The methods used are identical to those of diffusion model MII, except that
an axially symmetric diffusion tensor with Da >= 0 is used.  The base
directory containing all the results is './prolate/'.

Model IV - Oblate spheroid

The methods used are identical to those of diffusion model MII, except that
an axially symmetric diffusion tensor with Da <= 0 is used.  The base
directory containing all the results is './oblate/'.

Model V - Ellipsoid

The methods used are identical to those of diffusion model MII, except that
a fully anisotropic diffusion tensor is used (also known as rhombic or
asymmetric diffusion).  The base directory is './ellipsoid/'.

Final run

Once all the diffusion models have converged, the final run can be
executed.  This is done by setting the variable DIFF_MODEL to 'final'.  
consists of two steps, diffusion tensor model selection, and Monte Carlo
simulations.  Firstly AIC model selection is used to select between the
diffusion tensor models.  Monte Carlo simulations are then run solely on
this selected diffusion model.  Minimisation of the model is bypassed as it
is assumed that the model is already fully optimised (if this is not the
case the final run is not yet appropriate).

The final black-box model-free results will be placed in the file

# Python module imports.
from time import asctime, localtime

# relax module imports.
from auto_analyses.dauvergne_protocol import dAuvergne_protocol

# Analysis variables.

# The diffusion model.
DIFF_MODEL = 'local_tm'

# The model-free models.  Do not change these unless absolutely necessary,
the protocol is likely to fail if these are changed.
MF_MODELS = ['m0', 'm1', 'm2', 'm3', 'm4', 'm5', 'm6', 'm7', 'm8', 'm9']
LOCAL_TM_MODELS = ['tm0', 'tm1', 'tm2', 'tm3', 'tm4', 'tm5', 'tm6', 'tm7',
'tm8', 'tm9']

# The grid search size (the number of increments per dimension).

# The optimisation technique.
MIN_ALGOR = 'newton'

# The number of Monte Carlo simulations to be used for error analysis at 
end of the analysis.
MC_NUM = 500

# Automatic looping over all rounds until convergence (must be a boolean
value of True or False).

# Set up the data pipe.

# The following sequence of user function calls can be changed as needed.

# Create the data pipe.
name = "mf (%s)" % asctime(localtime())
pipe.create(name, 'mf')

# Load the sequence.'noe.600.out', dir=None, mol_name_col=None,
res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2, spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None)

# Name the spins.'N')

# Load the PDB file.
#structure.vectors(spin_id='@N', attached='H2', ave=False)
#structure.vectors(spin_id='@N', attached='H5', ave=False)
structure.vectors(attached='H', spin_id='@N', ave=False , verbosity=1,

# Load spins
#structure.load_spins(spin_id='@N', combine_models=False, ave_pos=False)

# Set the spin name and then load the NH vectors.'@N', name='N')
#structure.vectors(spin_id='@N', attached='H', ave=False )

# Load the relaxation data.'R1_600',  ri_type='R1',  frq=600.03*1e6,
file='r1.600.out',  mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2,
spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None, data_col=3, error_col=4)'R2_600',  ri_type='R2',  frq=600.03*1e6,
file='r2.600.out',  mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2,
spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None, data_col=3, error_col=4)'NOE_600', ri_type='NOE', frq=600.03*1e6,
file='noe.600.out', mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2,
spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None, data_col=3, error_col=4)'R1_700',  ri_type='R1',  frq=700.13*1e6,
file='r1.700.out',  mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2,
spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None, data_col=3, error_col=4)'R2_700',  ri_type='R2',  frq=700.13*1e6,
file='r2.700.out',  mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2,
spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None, data_col=3, error_col=4)'NOE_700', ri_type='NOE', frq=700.13*1e6,
file='noe.700.out', mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2,
spin_num_col=None, spin_name_col=None, data_col=3, error_col=4)

# Deselect spins to be excluded (including unresolved and specifically
excluded spins).'unresolved', dir=None, spin_id_col=None,
mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2, spin_num_col=None,
spin_name_col=None, sep=None, spin_id=None, boolean='AND', 
change_all=False)'exclude', spin_id_col=None)

# Set the bond length, CSA values, heteronucleus type, and proton type.
value.set(1.02 * 1e-10, 'r')
value.set(-172 * 1e-6, 'csa')
value.set('15N', 'heteronuc_type')
value.set('1H', 'proton_type')

# Execution.

# Do not change!
dAuvergne_protocol(pipe_name=name, diff_model=DIFF_MODEL,
mf_models=MF_MODELS, local_tm_models=LOCAL_TM_MODELS, grid_inc=GRID_INC,
min_algor=MIN_ALGOR, mc_sim_num=MC_NUM, conv_loop=CONV_LOOP)


relax> pipe.create(pipe_name='mf (Fri May 25 12:23:11 2012)',

relax>'noe.600.out', dir=None, spin_id_col=None,
mol_name_col=None, res_num_col=1, res_name_col=2, spin_num_col=None,
spin_name_col=None, sep=None, spin_id=None)
Opening the file 'noe.600.out' for reading.

relax>, name='N', force=False)

relax> structure.read_pdb(file='rS2.pdb', dir=None, read_mol=None,
set_mol_name=None, read_model=None, set_model_num=None, parser='internal')

Internal relax PDB parser.
Opening the file 'rS2.pdb' for reading.
Adding molecule 'rS2_mol1' to model None (from the original molecule number
1 of model None)
Adding molecule 'rS2_mol2' to model None (from the original molecule number
2 of model None)

relax> structure.vectors(attached='H', spin_id='@N', model=None,
verbosity=1, ave=True, unit=True)
Extracting vectors from the single model.
Calculating the unit vectors.
The attached atom is a proton.

Extracted N-H vectors for ':1@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':2@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':6@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':7@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':8@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':9@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':10@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':11@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':12@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':13@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':14@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':15@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':16@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':18@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':19@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':20@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':21@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':22@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':23@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':25@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':26@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':27@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':28@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':30@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':31@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':32@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':33@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':34@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':35@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':36@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':38@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':39@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':40@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':41@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':42@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':43@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':44@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':45@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':46@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':47@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':48@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':49@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':50@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':51@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':57@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':58@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':60@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':61@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':62@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':63@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':64@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':65@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':67@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':69@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':70@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':71@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':73@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':74@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':75@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':76@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':77@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':78@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':79@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':80@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':81@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':82@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':83@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':84@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':85@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':86@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':87@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':88@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':89@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':90@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':91@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':92@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':93@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':94@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':98@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':99@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':102@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':103@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':105@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':107@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':108@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':109@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':110@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':111@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':112@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':113@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':114@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':116@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':117@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':118@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':119@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':121@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':123@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':124@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':125@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':126@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':127@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':128@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':129@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':130@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':132@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':133@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':134@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':135@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':136@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':137@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':138@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':139@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':140@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':141@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':142@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':144@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':145@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':146@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':147@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':148@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':149@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':150@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':152@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':153@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':154@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':155@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':156@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':157@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':158@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':159@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':160@N'.
Extracted N-H vectors for ':161@N'.

relax> structure.vectors(attached='H', spin_id='@N', model=None,
verbosity=1, ave=False, unit=False)
Extracting vectors from the single model.
The attached atom is a proton.

RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':1@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':2@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':6@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':7@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':8@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':9@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':10@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':11@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':12@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':13@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':14@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':15@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':16@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':18@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':19@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':20@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':21@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':22@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':23@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':25@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':26@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':27@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':28@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':30@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':31@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':32@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':33@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':34@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':35@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':36@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':38@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':39@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':40@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':41@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':42@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':43@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':44@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':45@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':46@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':47@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':48@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':49@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':50@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':51@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':57@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':58@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':60@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':61@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':62@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':63@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':64@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':65@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':67@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':69@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':70@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':71@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':73@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':74@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':75@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':76@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':77@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':78@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':79@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':80@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':81@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':82@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':83@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':84@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':85@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':86@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':87@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':88@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':89@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':90@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':91@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':92@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':93@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':94@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':98@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':99@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':102@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':103@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':105@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':107@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':108@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':109@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':110@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':111@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':112@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':113@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':114@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':116@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':117@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':118@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':119@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':121@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':123@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':124@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':125@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':126@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':127@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':128@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':129@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':130@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':132@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':133@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':134@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':135@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':136@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':137@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':138@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':139@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':140@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':141@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':142@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':144@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':145@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':146@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':147@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':148@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':149@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':150@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':152@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':153@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':154@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':155@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':156@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':157@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':158@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':159@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':160@N' already exists.
RelaxWarning: The bond vector for the spin ':161@N' already exists.
RelaxError: No vectors could be extracted.


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