mailNo protein sequence

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Posted by Dian Xu on June 26, 2012 - 01:14:
Hi guys,

I just found this great software today but have troubles using it. What I am dealing with is a huge protein whose structure is unknown and no sequence information available. I have got the 15N T1,T2 and NOE data on two fields and only want to extract the order parameter and correlation time from the relaxation data. I am wondering whether I can do this without a sequence file or maybe I can create a pseudo one.
Also, could someone send me some sample input files of the relaxation data so I can modify with my own, I am not sure about the required format. I have been tried nmrviewj and sparky to create peak list files and they do have the data recorded in the same way mentioned in the description, however, none of them works. 
Thanks you very much!


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