mailTemperature calibration: methanol- vs protein-based,

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Posted by Martin Ballaschk on January 07, 2013 - 11:05:
Hi relax-users, dear Edward,

we use methanol temperature calibration to make sure the relaxation 
measurements are taking place at the same temperature. Interestingly, I see 
significantly diverting signals in my HSQCs / TROSYs which I believe are due 
to temperature differences. I don't see diverging signals between T1, T2 and 
Hetero-NOE measurements, so at least the data at one field seem to be 
consistent in any case. 

One strategy to overcome this was to 
* record a HSQC/TROSY at different temperatures at the different 
  (conveniently by using Brukers multi_zgvt), 
* reference the two sets of spectra to a residue signal which seems to be at 
  exactly the same position regardless of temperature
* select the temperature where the NH spectra are nearly 100% identical

What is your experience with calibration strategies? Do you see any diverging 
NH signals at different magnets? 

Cheers and a happy new year,

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