mailRe: C modules not compiled

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Posted by Edward d'Auvergne on November 14, 2014 - 10:37:
Hi Mark,

I would also recommend that you sign up for the relax-announce mailing
list (  This list only
receives a few emails per year (see, and it is
used almost exclusively for announcing new relax versions, for example
relax 3.3.2 which I am in the process of releasing now (see  Since relax 3.2.3, there
have been the following releases:

That last link will appear later today.  If you are performing either
a model-free or relaxation dispersion analysis, I would highly
recommend that you upgrade to relax 3.3.2 to obtain all the bug fixes
and Troels' huge relaxation dispersion speed ups



On 14 November 2014 10:19, Edward d'Auvergne <edward@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Mark,

Welcome to the relax mailing lists!  The problem you see could be due
to a number of factors.  Firstly, could you check if you have the
compiled file present on your system:

$ ls -alh /usr/local/relax/target_functions/
$ file /usr/local/relax/target_functions/

If the file is there, then maybe you have a Python version problem.
The C module was compiled using Python 2.7.  Normally this will then
work for Python 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7 but not Python >= 3.1 (I have a Linux
set up, both 32 and 64-bit with all versions of Python from 1.0 to 3.4
that I regularly check this with).  You can check this by running
relax and typing:

relax> import target_functions.relax_fit

For example in Python 3, this gives the error:

relax> import target_functions.relax_fit
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: /data/relax/relax-trunk/target_functions/
undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4_64

Maybe you will see something similar.  In any case you have two
alternatives.  The first is to upgrade Python, if the
file exists, though this can be a painful and dangerous task on Linux
systems (you can change the base 'relax' file to point to a different
alternative Python version if you wish).  The second is as Troels
suggests.  Install the scons program, the Python headers, and then
just run 'scons' as root in the /usr/local/relax directory to compile
the module yourself.

Note that you only need this C module for fitting exponential curves
for the R1, R2, or relaxation dispersion analyses.



On 14 November 2014 01:05, Troels Emtekær Linnet <tlinnet@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Try just write scons

But this should only be for the source code.

The packaged versions should already have the compiled C code in it.

So this is weird.

Can you run
relax - d
and post it here?

On 13 Nov 2014 22:34, "Maciejewski,Mark W." <markm@xxxxxxxx> wrote:


I have installed relax 3.2.3 on CentOS release 6.6. The program runs fine
except for the error:
"ImportError: relaxation curve fitting is unavailable, the corresponding C
modules have not been compiled."

I installed relax using the command:
scons install

I have searched the archives and see that others have had similar
problems, but cannot find a solution that works for me.

Any suggestions on how to install or compile the C modules?

Below is the output from "relax -info"


[nmradmin@nmrbox_wisc ~]$ relax --info

                                            relax 3.2.3

                              Molecular dynamics by NMR data analysis

                             Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Edward d'Auvergne
                         Copyright (C) 2006-2014 the relax development 

This is free software which you are welcome to modify and redistribute
under the conditions of the
GNU General Public License (GPL).  This program, including all modules, is
licensed under the GPL
and comes with absolutely no warranty.  For details type 'GPL' within the
relax prompt.

Assistance in using the relax prompt and scripting interface can be
accessed by typing 'help' within
the prompt.

ImportError: relaxation curve fitting is unavailable, the corresponding C
modules have not been compiled.

Processor fabric:  Uni-processor.

Hardware information:
    Machine:                 x86_64
    Processor:               x86_64
    Processor name:          Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-1620 0 @ 3.60GHz
    Endianness:              little
    Total RAM size:          3832 Mb
    Total swap size:         3967 Mb

Operating system information:
    System:                  Linux
    Release:                 2.6.32-504.1.3.el6.x86_64
    Version:                 #1 SMP Tue Nov 11 17:57:25 UTC 2014
    GNU/Linux version:       CentOS 6.6 Final
    Distribution:            centos 6.6 Final
    Full platform string:

Python information:
    Architecture:            64bit ELF
    Python version:          2.6.6
    Python branch:           tags/r266
    Python build:            r266:84292, Jan 22 2014 09:42:36
    Python compiler:         GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4)
    Libc version:            glibc 2.2.5
    Python implementation:   CPython
    Python revision:         84292
    Python executable:       /usr/bin/python
    Python flags:            sys.flags(debug=0, py3k_warning=0,
division_warning=0, division_new=0, inspect=0, interactive=0, optimize=0,
dont_write_bytecode=0, no_user_site=0, no_site=0, ignore_environment=0,
tabcheck=0, verbose=0, unicode=0, bytes_warning=0, hash_randomization=0)
    Python float info:       sys.floatinfo(max=1.7976931348623157e+308,
max_exp=1024, max_10_exp=308, min=2.2250738585072014e-308, min_exp=-1021,
min_10_exp=-307, dig=15, mant_dig=53, epsilon=2.2204460492503131e-16,
radix=2, rounds=1)
    Python module path:      ['/usr/local/relax',
'/home/nmradmin', '/usr/local/ccpnmr/ccpnmr2.4/python',
'/usr/lib64/', '/usr/lib64/python2.6',
'/usr/lib64/python2.6/plat-linux2', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-tk',
'/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-old', '/usr/lib64/python2.6/lib-dynload',

Python packages and modules (most are optional):

Name               Installed    Version                    Path
minfx              True         1.0.7
bmrblib            True         1.0.3
numpy              True         1.9.1
scipy              True         0.7.2
wxPython           True (gtk2-unicode)
matplotlib         True
mpi4py             False
epydoc             True         3.0.1
optparse           True         1.5.3
readline           True
profile            True
bz2                True
gzip               True
io                 True
xml                True         0.8.4 (internal)
xml.dom.minidom    True

relax information:
    Version:                 3.2.3
    Processor fabric:        Uni-processor.

relax C modules:

Module                        Compiled    File type    Path
target_functions.relax_fit    False
relax (

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