mailError in setting up model free analysis

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Posted by Ashish Sethi on February 21, 2017 - 05:40:
Dear Edward,

                    Hope this email finds you well !!!

I am a beginner in the field of protein dynamics and I wish to do a model 
free analysis for my protein which is about 72 residues (8.5 kDa). I have 
calculated the standard R1, R2 and NOE (steady state) parameters and also did 
the reduced spectral density mapping.

My question is related to dipolar relaxation settings while setting up the 
model free analysis, so all my files (R1, R2 and NOE) only have 15N spin 
information and if I follow the instructions given in the manual and select 
"@N" and "@H"-- i get an error saying no information available for H spin 
which is obvious. In this case what am I supposed to select ? Apologies for 
my naivety.



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