Construction of the gradient

Figure 15.1: The construction of the model-free gradient χ2 for the global model $\mathfrak{S}$. For each residue i a different vector χ2i is constructed. The first element of the vector represented by the symbol $\mathfrak{D}$ (the orange block) is the sub-vector of chi-squared partial derivatives with respect to each of the diffusion tensor parameters $\mathfrak{D}_j$. The rest of the elements, grouped into blocks for each residue denoted by the symbol $\mathfrak{F}_i$, are the sub-vectors of chi-squared partial derivatives with respect to each of the model-free parameters $\mathfrak{F}_i^j$. For the residue dependent vector χ2i the partial derivatives with respect to the model-free parameters of $\mathfrak{F}_j$ where ij are zero. These blocks are left uncoloured. The complete gradient of $\mathfrak{S}$ is the sum of the vectors χ2i.
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The construction of the gradient is significantly different for the models $\mathfrak{F}_i$, $\mathfrak{T}_i$, $\mathfrak{D}$, and $\mathfrak{S}$. In Figure 15.1 the construction of the chi-squared gradient χ2 for the global model $\mathfrak{S}$ is demonstrated. In this case

χ2 = $\displaystyle \sum_{{i=1}}^{l}$χ2i, (15.9)

where χ2i is the vector of partial derivatives of the chi-squared equation χ2i for the residue i. The length of this vector is

$\displaystyle \lVert$χ2i$\displaystyle \rVert$ = dim$\displaystyle \mathfrak{S},$ (15.10)

with each position of the vector j equal to ${\frac{{\partial \chi^2_i}}{{\partial \theta_j}}}$ where each θj is a parameter of the model.

The construction of the gradient χ2 for the model $\mathfrak{D}$ is simply a subset of that of $\mathfrak{S}$. This is demonstrated in Figure 15.1 by simply taking the component of the gradient χ2i denoted by the symbol $\mathfrak{D}$ (the orange blocks) and summing these for all residues. This sum is given by (15.9) and

$\displaystyle \lVert$χ2i$\displaystyle \rVert$ = dim$\displaystyle \mathfrak{D}.$ (15.11)

For the parameter set $\mathfrak{T}_i$, which consists of the local τm parameter and the model-free parameters of a single residue, the gradient χ2i for the residue i is simply the combination of the single orange block and single yellow block of the index i (Figure 15.1).

The model-free parameter set $\mathfrak{F}_i$ is even simpler. In Figure 15.1 the gradient χ2i is simply the vector denoted by the single yellow block for the residue i.

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.