To do - dispersion features yet to be implemented

The capabilities of the relaxation dispersion analysis in relax is expansive but it cannot be called complete. There are a number of features and models yet to be implemented. Missing features include:

If you would like one of these features, please contact the “nmr-relax-devel at” mailing list. The most useful would be if you have synthetic data whereby you know what the true solution should be. This can then be incorporated into a relax system test and the feature implemented to allow the test to pass. Note that such data should never be emailed to a public mailing list! Synthetic data, or experimental data, can be obtained from the literature.

Some of the missing models include:

The R1ρ-type data Trott and Palmer (2004) N-site analytic equation for all time scales with parameters {R1ρ',..., p1,..., pN,$\overline{{\omega}}$, k12,... k1N}.
`* R1ρ':
All of the 3-site and N-site models as summarised in Table 1 of Palmer and Massi (2006).
The R1ρ-type data Baldwin and Kay (2013) off-resonance 2-site equation for all time scales with parameters {R1ρ',..., pA, Δω, kex}. For details and code, see the archived Gna! support request #3155.
`BK13 full':
The R1ρ-type data full Baldwin and Kay (2013) off-resonance 2-site equation for all time scales with parameters {R1ρA', R1ρB',..., pA, Δω, kex}. For details and code, see the archived Gna! support request #3155.

Information for how these can be added is given in the next section.

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.