relax: dynamics analysis, model-free analysis, relaxation data, R1 and R2 exponential curve-fitting, steady-state NOE calculation, reduced spectral density mapping, relaxation dispersion, N-state model, frame order dynamics theories, stereochemistry, conformational analysis, organic molecules, proteins, RNA, DNA, sugars, and other biomolecules.
relax: dynamics analysis, model-free analysis, relaxation data, R1 and R2 exponential curve-fitting, steady-state NOE calculation, reduced spectral density mapping, relaxation dispersion, N-state model, frame order dynamics theories, stereochemistry, conformational analysis, organic molecules, proteins, RNA, DNA, sugars, and other biomolecules.

relax - Molecular dynamics by NMR data analysis

Analysis software for: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, relaxation dispersion, N-state models, frame order theory.

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