Package minimise :: Module exact_trust_region
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Source Code for Module minimise.exact_trust_region

  1  ############################################################################### 
  2  #                                                                             # 
  3  # Copyright (C) 2003 Edward d'Auvergne                                        # 
  4  #                                                                             # 
  5  # This file is part of the program relax.                                     # 
  6  #                                                                             # 
  7  # relax is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify               # 
  8  # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by        # 
  9  # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or           # 
 10  # (at your option) any later version.                                         # 
 11  #                                                                             # 
 12  # relax is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                    # 
 13  # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of              # 
 15  # GNU General Public License for more details.                                # 
 16  #                                                                             # 
 17  # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License           # 
 18  # along with relax; if not, write to the Free Software                        # 
 19  # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA   # 
 20  #                                                                             # 
 21  ############################################################################### 
 24  from LinearAlgebra import cholesky_decomposition, eigenvectors, inverse, solve_linear_equations 
 25  from Numeric import diagonal, dot, identity, matrixmultiply, outerproduct, sort, sqrt, transpose 
 26  from re import match 
 28  from bfgs import Bfgs 
 29  from newton import Newton 
 30  from base_classes import Hessian_mods, Min, Trust_region 
33 -def exact_trust_region(func=None, dfunc=None, d2func=None, args=(), x0=None, min_options=(), func_tol=1e-25, grad_tol=None, maxiter=1e6, lambda0=0.0, delta_max=1e5, delta0=1.0, eta=0.2, mach_acc=1e-16, full_output=0, print_flag=0, print_prefix=""):
34 """Exact trust region algorithm.""" 35 36 if print_flag: 37 if print_flag >= 2: 38 print print_prefix 39 print print_prefix 40 print print_prefix + "Exact trust region minimisation" 41 print print_prefix + "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" 42 min = Exact_trust_region(func, dfunc, d2func, args, x0, min_options, func_tol, grad_tol, maxiter, lambda0, delta_max, delta0, eta, mach_acc, full_output, print_flag, print_prefix) 43 if min.init_failure: 44 print print_prefix + "Initialisation of minimisation has failed." 45 return None 46 results = min.minimise() 47 return results
48 49
50 -class Exact_trust_region(Hessian_mods, Trust_region, Min, Bfgs, Newton):
51 - def __init__(self, func, dfunc, d2func, args, x0, min_options, func_tol, grad_tol, maxiter, lambda0, delta_max, delta0, eta, mach_acc, full_output, print_flag, print_prefix):
52 """Class for Exact trust region minimisation specific functions. 53 54 Unless you know what you are doing, you should call the function 'exact_trust_region' rather 55 than using this class. 56 """ 57 58 # Function arguments. 59 self.func = func 60 self.dfunc = dfunc 61 self.d2func = d2func 62 self.args = args 63 self.xk = x0 64 self.func_tol = func_tol 65 self.grad_tol = grad_tol 66 self.maxiter = maxiter 67 self.full_output = full_output 68 self.print_flag = print_flag 69 self.print_prefix = print_prefix 70 self.mach_acc = mach_acc 71 self.lambda0 = lambda0 72 self.delta_max = delta_max 73 = delta0 74 self.eta = eta 75 76 # Initialisation failure flag. 77 self.init_failure = 0 78 79 # Setup the Hessian modification options and algorithm. 80 self.hessian_type_and_mod(min_options) 81 self.setup_hessian_mod() 82 83 # Initialise the function, gradient, and Hessian evaluation counters. 84 self.f_count = 0 85 self.g_count = 0 86 self.h_count = 0 87 88 # Initialise the warning string. 89 self.warning = None 90 91 # Constants. 92 self.n = len(self.xk) 93 self.I = identity(len(self.xk)) 94 95 # Set the convergence test function. 96 self.setup_conv_tests() 97 98 # Type specific functions. 99 if match('[Bb][Ff][Gg][Ss]', self.hessian_type): 100 self.setup_bfgs() 101 self.specific_update = self.update_bfgs 102 self.d2fk = inverse(self.Hk) 103 self.warning = "Incomplete code." 104 elif match('[Nn]ewton', self.hessian_type): 105 self.setup_newton() 106 self.specific_update = self.update_newton
107 108
109 - def new_param_func(self):
110 """Find the exact trust region solution. 111 112 Algorithm 4.4 from page 81 of 'Numerical Optimization' by Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. 113 Wright, 1999, 2nd ed. 114 115 This is only implemented for positive definite matrices. 116 """ 117 118 # Matrix modification. 119 pB, matrix = self.get_pk(return_matrix=1) 120 121 # The exact trust region algorithm. 122 l = 0 123 lambda_l = self.lambda0 124 125 while l < 3: 126 # Calculate the matrix B + lambda(l).I 127 B = matrix + lambda_l * self.I 128 129 # Factor B + lambda(l).I = RT.R 130 R = cholesky_decomposition(B) 131 132 # Solve = -g 133 y = solve_linear_equations(R, self.dfk) 134 y = -solve_linear_equations(transpose(R), y) 135 dot_pl = dot(y, y) 136 137 # Solve RT.ql = pl 138 y = solve_linear_equations(transpose(R), y) 139 140 # lambda(l+1) update. 141 lambda_l = lambda_l + (dot_pl / dot(y, y)) * ((sqrt(dot_pl) - / 142 143 # Safeguard. 144 lambda_l = max(0.0, lambda_l) 145 146 if self.print_flag >= 2: 147 print self.print_prefix + "\tl: " + `l` + ", lambda(l) fin: " + `lambda_l` 148 149 l = l + 1 150 151 # Calculate the step. 152 R = cholesky_decomposition(matrix + lambda_l * self.I) 153 y = solve_linear_equations(R, self.dfk) 154 = -solve_linear_equations(transpose(R), y) 155 156 if self.print_flag >= 2: 157 print self.print_prefix + "Step: " + `` 158 159 # Find the new parameter vector and function value at that point. 160 self.xk_new = self.xk + 161 self.fk_new, self.f_count = apply(self.func, (self.xk_new,)+self.args), self.f_count + 1 162 self.dfk_new, self.g_count = apply(self.dfunc, (self.xk_new,)+self.args), self.g_count + 1
163 164
165 - def old_param_func(self):
166 """Find the exact trust region solution. 167 168 More, J. J., and Sorensen D. C. 1983, Computing a trust region step. SIAM J. Sci. Stat. 169 Comput. 4, 553-572. 170 171 This function is incomplete. 172 """ 173 174 self.warning = "Incomplete code, minimisation bypassed." 175 print self.print_prefix + "Incomplete code, minimisation bypassed." 176 return 177 178 # Initialisation. 179 iter = 0 180 self.l = self.lambda0 181 self.I = identity(len(self.dfk)) 182 183 # Initialise lL, lU, lS. 184 self.lS = -1e99 185 b = 0.0 186 for j in xrange(len(self.d2fk)): 187 self.lS = max(self.lS, -self.d2fk[j, j]) 188 sum = 0.0 189 for i in xrange(len(self.d2fk[j])): 190 sum = sum + abs(self.d2fk[i, j]) 191 b = max(b, sum) 192 a = sqrt(dot(self.dfk, self.dfk)) / 193 self.lL = max(0.0, self.lS, a - b) 194 self.lU = a + b 195 196 # Debugging. 197 if self.print_flag >= 2: 198 print self.print_prefix + "Initialisation." 199 eigen = eigenvectors(self.d2fk) 200 eigenvals = sort(eigen[0]) 201 for i in xrange(len(self.d2fk)): 202 print self.print_prefix + "\tB[" + `i` + ", " + `i` + "] = " + `self.d2fk[i, i]` 203 print self.print_prefix + "\tEigenvalues: " + `eigenvals` 204 print self.print_prefix + "\t||g||/delta: " + `a` 205 print self.print_prefix + "\t||B||1: " + `b` 206 print self.print_prefix + "\tl: " + `self.l` 207 print self.print_prefix + "\tlL: " + `self.lL` 208 print self.print_prefix + "\tlU: " + `self.lU` 209 print self.print_prefix + "\tlS: " + `self.lS` 210 211 # Iterative loop. 212 return 213 while 1: 214 # Safeguard lambda. 215 if self.print_flag >= 2: 216 print self.print_prefix + "\n< Iteration " + `iter` + " >" 217 print self.print_prefix + "Safeguarding lambda." 218 print self.print_prefix + "\tInit l: " + `self.l` 219 print self.print_prefix + "\tlL: " + `self.lL` 220 print self.print_prefix + "\tlU: " + `self.lU` 221 print self.print_prefix + "\tlS: " + `self.lS` 222 self.l = max(self.l, self.lL) 223 self.l = min(self.l, self.lU) 224 if self.l <= self.lS: 225 if self.print_flag >= 2: 226 print self.print_prefix + "\tself.l <= self.lS" 227 self.l = max(0.001*self.lU, sqrt(self.lL*self.lU)) 228 if self.print_flag >= 2: 229 print self.print_prefix + "\tFinal l: " + `self.l` 230 231 # Calculate the matrix 'B + lambda.I' and factor 'B + lambda(l).I = RT.R' 232 matrix = self.d2fk + self.l * self.I 233 pos_def = 1 234 if self.print_flag >= 2: 235 print self.print_prefix + "Cholesky decomp." 236 print self.print_prefix + "\tB + lambda.I: " + `matrix` 237 eigen = eigenvectors(matrix) 238 eigenvals = sort(eigen[0]) 239 print self.print_prefix + "\tEigenvalues: " + `eigenvals` 240 try: 241 func = cholesky_decomposition 242 R = func(matrix) 243 if self.print_flag >= 2: 244 print self.print_prefix + "\tCholesky matrix R: " + `R` 245 except "LinearAlgebraError": 246 if self.print_flag >= 2: 247 print self.print_prefix + "\tLinearAlgebraError, matrix is not positive definite." 248 pos_def = 0 249 if self.print_flag >= 2: 250 print self.print_prefix + "\tPos def: " + `pos_def` 251 252 if pos_def: 253 # Solve p = -inverse(RT.R).g 254 p = -matrixmultiply(inverse(matrix), self.dfk) 255 if self.print_flag >= 2: 256 print self.print_prefix + "Solve p = -inverse(RT.R).g" 257 print self.print_prefix + "\tp: " + `p` 258 259 # Compute tau and z if ||p|| < delta. 260 dot_p = dot(p, p) 261 len_p = sqrt(dot_p) 262 if len_p < 263 264 # Calculate z. 265 266 # Calculate tau. 267 delta2_len_p2 =**2 - dot_p 268 dot_p_z = dot(p, z) 269 tau = delta2_len_p2 / (dot_p_z + sign(dot_p_z) * sqrt(dot_p_z**2 + delta2_len_p2**2)) 270 271 if self.print_flag >= 2: 272 print self.print_prefix + "||p|| < delta" 273 print self.print_prefix + "\tz: " + `z` 274 print self.print_prefix + "\ttau: " + `tau` 275 else: 276 if self.print_flag >= 2: 277 print self.print_prefix + "||p|| >= delta" 278 print self.print_prefix + "\tNo doing anything???" 279 280 # Solve q = inverse(RT).p 281 q = matrixmultiply(inverse(transpose(R)), p) 282 283 # Update lL, lU. 284 if len_p < 285 self.lU = min(self.lU, self.l) 286 else: 287 self.lL = max(self.lL, self.l) 288 289 # lambda update. 290 self.l_corr = dot_p / dot(q, q) * ((len_p - / 291 292 else: 293 # Update lambda via lambda = lS. 294 self.lS = max(self.lS, self.l) 295 296 self.l_corr = -self.l 297 298 # Update lL 299 self.lL = max(self.lL, self.lS) 300 if self.print_flag >= 2: 301 print self.print_prefix + "Update lL: " + `self.lL` 302 303 # Check the convergence criteria. 304 305 # lambda update. 306 self.l = self.l + self.l_corr 307 308 iter = iter + 1 309 310 # Find the new parameter vector and function value at that point. 311 self.xk_new = self.xk + 312 self.fk_new, self.f_count = apply(self.func, (self.xk_new,)+self.args), self.f_count + 1 313 self.dfk_new, self.g_count = apply(self.dfunc, (self.xk_new,)+self.args), self.g_count + 1
314 315
316 - def safeguard(self, eigenvals):
317 """Safeguarding function.""" 318 319 if self.lambda_l < -eigenvals[0]: 320 self.lambda_l = -eigenvals[0] + 1.0 321 if self.print_flag >= 2: 322 print self.print_prefix + "\tSafeguarding. lambda(l) = " + `self.lambda_l` 323 elif self.lambda_l <= 0.0: 324 if self.print_flag >= 2: 325 print self.print_prefix + "\tSafeguarding. lambda(l)=0" 326 self.lambda_l = 0.0
327 328
329 - def update(self):
330 """Update function. 331 332 Run the trust region update. If this update decides to shift xk+1 to xk, then run the 333 Newton update. 334 """ 335 336 self.trust_region_update() 337 if self.shift_flag: 338 self.specific_update()