Package specific_analyses :: Module api
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Module api

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The specific analysis API.

This module is for directly accessing the specific analysis API. The individual API objects should not be accessed directly, but instead the functions here should be used.

Functions [hide private]
Function for returning a string corresponding to the function type.
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return_api(analysis_type=None, pipe_name=None)
Return the specific analysis API class instance corresponding to the function type.
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Variables [hide private]
  ds = The relax data storage obje...
  __package__ = 'specific_analyses'

Imports: Relax_data_store, RelaxError, pipes

Function Details [hide private]

return_api(analysis_type=None, pipe_name=None)

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Return the specific analysis API class instance corresponding to the function type.

  • analysis_type (str or None) - The specific analysis type. This overrides the pipe_name argument.
  • pipe_name - The name of the data pipe to obtain the analysis type from. This is ignored if the analysis_type argument is given. If both arguments are None, then the current data pipe will be used.

Variables Details [hide private]


The relax data storage object.

Data pipes:

Data store objects:
  __dict__ <type 'dict'>: dict() -> new empty dictionary
  __doc__ <type 'str'>: The relax data storage object.