Package specific_analyses :: Package relax_disp :: Module api :: Class Relax_disp
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Class Relax_disp

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Class containing functions for relaxation dispersion curve fitting.

Instance Methods [hide private]
Initialise the class by placing API_common methods into the API.
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(tuple of SpinContainer instance and float) or (SpinContainer instance and str)
Custom generator method for looping over the base data.
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calculate(self, spin_id=None, verbosity=1, sim_index=None)
Calculate the model chi-squared value or the R2eff values for fixed time period data.
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Return the 'Log barrier' optimisation constraint algorithm.
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list of floats
create_mc_data(self, data_id)
Create the Monte Carlo peak intensity data.
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deselect(self, model_info, sim_index=None)
Deselect models or simulations.
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duplicate_data(self, pipe_from=None, pipe_to=None, model_info=None, global_stats=False, verbose=True)
Duplicate the data specific to a single model.
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eliminate(self, name, value, model_info, args, sim=None)
Relaxation dispersion model elimination, parameter by parameter.
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list of str
get_param_names(self, model_info=None)
Return a vector of parameter names.
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list of str
get_param_values(self, model_info=None, sim_index=None)
Return a vector of parameter values.
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grid_search(self, lower=None, upper=None, inc=None, constraints=True, verbosity=1, sim_index=None)
The relaxation dispersion curve fitting grid search function.
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list of float
map_bounds(self, param, spin_id=None)
Create bounds for the OpenDX mapping function.
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minimise(self, min_algor=None, min_options=None, func_tol=None, grad_tol=None, max_iterations=None, constraints=False, scaling=True, verbosity=0, sim_index=None, lower=None, upper=None, inc=None)
Relaxation dispersion curve fitting function.
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model_desc(self, model_info)
Return a description of the model.
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tuple of list of SpinContainer instances and list of spin IDs
Loop over the spin groupings for one model applied to multiple spins.
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tuple of (int, int, float)
model_statistics(self, model_info=None, spin_id=None, global_stats=None)
Return the k, n, and chi2 model statistics.
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overfit_deselect(self, data_check=True, verbose=True)
Deselect spins which have insufficient data to support minimisation.
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list of float
return_data(self, data_id=None)
Return the peak intensity data structure.
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list of float
return_error(self, data_id=None)
Return the standard deviation data structure.
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tuple of length 2 of floats or None
return_value(self, spin, param, sim=None, bc=False)
Return the value and error corresponding to the parameter.
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set_error(self, model_info, index, error)
Set the parameter errors.
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set_param_values(self, param=None, value=None, index=None, spin_id=None, error=False, force=True)
Set the spin specific parameter values.
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set_selected_sim(self, model_info, select_sim)
Set the simulation selection flag.
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Initialise the Monte Carlo parameter values.
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sim_pack_data(self, data_id, sim_data)
Pack the Monte Carlo simulation data.
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list of float
sim_return_param(self, model_info, index)
Return the array of simulation parameter values.
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list of int
sim_return_selected(self, model_info)
Return the array of selected simulation flags.
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Inherited from api_base.API_base: back_calc_ri, bmrb_read, bmrb_write, data_init, data_names, data_type, default_value, has_errors, is_spin_param, model_type, molmol_macro, num_instances, pymol_macro, return_conversion_factor, return_data_desc, return_grace_string, return_units, set_update, sim_return_chi2, skip_function

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from api_base.API_base: __new__

Class Variables [hide private]
  instance = Relax_disp()
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]


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Initialise the class by placing API_common methods into the API.

Overrides: object.__init__


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Custom generator method for looping over the base data.

For the R2eff model, the base data is the peak intensity data defining a single exponential curve. For all other models, the base data is the R2eff/R1rho values for individual spins.

Returns: (tuple of SpinContainer instance and float) or (SpinContainer instance and str)
For the R2eff model, a tuple of the spin container and the exponential curve identifying key (the CPMG frequency or R1rho spin-lock field strength). For all other models, the spin container and ID from the spin loop.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.base_data_loop

calculate(self, spin_id=None, verbosity=1, sim_index=None)

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Calculate the model chi-squared value or the R2eff values for fixed time period data.

  • spin_id (None or str) - The spin identification string.
  • verbosity (int) - The amount of information to print. The higher the value, the greater the verbosity.
  • sim_index (None) - The MC simulation index (unused).
Overrides: api_base.API_base.calculate


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Return the 'Log barrier' optimisation constraint algorithm.

Returns: str
The 'Log barrier' constraint algorithm.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.constraint_algorithm

create_mc_data(self, data_id)

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Create the Monte Carlo peak intensity data.

  • data_id (SpinContainer instance and float) - The tuple of the spin container and the exponential curve identifying key, as yielded by the base_data_loop() generator method.
Returns: list of floats
The Monte Carlo simulation data.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.create_mc_data

deselect(self, model_info, sim_index=None)

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Deselect models or simulations.

  • model_info (int) - The spin ID list from the model_loop() API method.
  • sim_index (None or int) - The optional Monte Carlo simulation index. If None, then models will be deselected, otherwise the given simulation will.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.deselect

duplicate_data(self, pipe_from=None, pipe_to=None, model_info=None, global_stats=False, verbose=True)

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Duplicate the data specific to a single model.

  • pipe_from (str) - The data pipe to copy the data from.
  • pipe_to (str) - The data pipe to copy the data to.
  • model_info (int) - The model index from model_info().
  • global_stats (bool) - The global statistics flag.
  • verbose (bool) - A flag which if True will cause info to be printed out.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.duplicate_data

eliminate(self, name, value, model_info, args, sim=None)

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Relaxation dispersion model elimination, parameter by parameter.

  • name (str) - The parameter name.
  • value (float) - The parameter value.
  • model_info (int) - The list of spin IDs from the model_loop() API method.
  • args (None or tuple of float) - The c1 and c2 elimination constant overrides.
  • sim (int) - The Monte Carlo simulation index.
Returns: bool
True if the model is to be eliminated, False otherwise.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.eliminate

get_param_names(self, model_info=None)

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Return a vector of parameter names.

  • model_info (list of str) - The list spin ID strings from the model_loop() API method.
Returns: list of str
The vector of parameter names.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.get_param_names

get_param_values(self, model_info=None, sim_index=None)

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Return a vector of parameter values.

  • model_info (int) - The model index from model_info(). This is zero for the global models or equal to the global spin index (which covers the molecule, residue, and spin indices).
  • sim_index (int) - The Monte Carlo simulation index.
Returns: list of str
The vector of parameter values.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.get_param_values

grid_search(self, lower=None, upper=None, inc=None, constraints=True, verbosity=1, sim_index=None)

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The relaxation dispersion curve fitting grid search function.

  • lower (array of numbers) - The lower bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model.
  • upper (array of numbers) - The upper bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model.
  • inc (array of int) - The increments for each dimension of the space for the grid search. The number of elements in the array must equal to the number of parameters in the model.
  • constraints (bool) - If True, constraints are applied during the grid search (eliminating parts of the grid). If False, no constraints are used.
  • verbosity (int) - A flag specifying the amount of information to print. The higher the value, the greater the verbosity.
  • sim_index (int) - The index of the simulation to apply the grid search to. If None, the normal model is optimised.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.grid_search

map_bounds(self, param, spin_id=None)

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Create bounds for the OpenDX mapping function.

  • param (str) - The name of the parameter to return the lower and upper bounds of.
  • spin_id (None) - The spin identification string (unused).
Returns: list of float
The upper and lower bounds of the parameter.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.map_bounds

minimise(self, min_algor=None, min_options=None, func_tol=None, grad_tol=None, max_iterations=None, constraints=False, scaling=True, verbosity=0, sim_index=None, lower=None, upper=None, inc=None)

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Relaxation dispersion curve fitting function.

  • min_algor (str) - The minimisation algorithm to use.
  • min_options (array of str) - An array of options to be used by the minimisation algorithm.
  • func_tol (None or float) - The function tolerance which, when reached, terminates optimisation. Setting this to None turns of the check.
  • grad_tol (None or float) - The gradient tolerance which, when reached, terminates optimisation. Setting this to None turns of the check.
  • max_iterations (int) - The maximum number of iterations for the algorithm.
  • constraints (bool) - If True, constraints are used during optimisation.
  • scaling (bool) - If True, diagonal scaling is enabled during optimisation to allow the problem to be better conditioned.
  • verbosity (int) - The amount of information to print. The higher the value, the greater the verbosity.
  • sim_index (None or int) - The index of the simulation to optimise. This should be None if normal optimisation is desired.
  • lower (array of numbers) - The lower bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model. This optional argument is only used when doing a grid search.
  • upper (array of numbers) - The upper bounds of the grid search which must be equal to the number of parameters in the model. This optional argument is only used when doing a grid search.
  • inc (array of int) - The increments for each dimension of the space for the grid search. The number of elements in the array must equal to the number of parameters in the model. This argument is only used when doing a grid search.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.minimise

model_desc(self, model_info)

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Return a description of the model.

  • model_info (int) - The model index from model_info().
Returns: str
The model description.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.model_desc


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Loop over the spin groupings for one model applied to multiple spins.

Returns: tuple of list of SpinContainer instances and list of spin IDs
The list of spins per block will be yielded, as well as the list of spin IDs.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.model_loop

model_statistics(self, model_info=None, spin_id=None, global_stats=None)

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Return the k, n, and chi2 model statistics.

k - number of parameters. n - number of data points. chi2 - the chi-squared value.

  • model_info (unknown) - The model information originating from model_loop().
  • spin_id (None or str) - The spin ID string to override the model_info argument. This is ignored in the N-state model.
  • global_stats (None or bool) - A parameter which determines if global or local statistics are returned. For the N-state model, this argument is ignored.
Returns: tuple of (int, int, float)
The optimisation statistics, in tuple format, of the number of parameters (k), the number of data points (n), and the chi-squared value (chi2).
Overrides: api_base.API_base.model_statistics

overfit_deselect(self, data_check=True, verbose=True)

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Deselect spins which have insufficient data to support minimisation.

  • data_check (bool) - A flag to signal if the presence of base data is to be checked for.
  • verbose (bool) - A flag which if True will allow printouts.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.overfit_deselect

return_data(self, data_id=None)

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Return the peak intensity data structure.

  • data_id (str) - The spin ID string, as yielded by the base_data_loop() generator method.
Returns: list of float
The peak intensity data structure.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.return_data

return_error(self, data_id=None)

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Return the standard deviation data structure.

  • data_id (SpinContainer instance and float) - The tuple of the spin container and the exponential curve identifying key, as yielded by the base_data_loop() generator method.
Returns: list of float
The standard deviation data structure.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.return_error

return_value(self, spin, param, sim=None, bc=False)

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Return the value and error corresponding to the parameter.

If sim is set to an integer, return the value of the simulation and None.

  • spin (SpinContainer) - The SpinContainer object.
  • param (str) - The name of the parameter to return values for.
  • sim (None or int) - The Monte Carlo simulation index.
  • bc (bool) - The back-calculated data flag. If True, then the back-calculated data will be returned rather than the actual data.
Returns: tuple of length 2 of floats or None
The value and error corresponding to
Overrides: api_base.API_base.return_value

set_error(self, model_info, index, error)

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Set the parameter errors.

  • model_info (unknown) - The spin container originating from model_loop().
  • index (int) - The index of the parameter to set the errors for.
  • error (float) - The error value.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.set_error

set_param_values(self, param=None, value=None, index=None, spin_id=None, error=False, force=True)

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Set the spin specific parameter values.

  • param (list of str) - The parameter name list.
  • value (list) - The parameter value list.
  • index (None or int) - The index for parameters which are of the list-type.
  • spin_id (None or str) - The spin identification string, only used for spin specific parameters.
  • error (bool) - A flag which if True will allow the parameter errors to be set instead of the values.
  • force (bool) - A flag which if True will cause current values to be overwritten. If False, a RelaxError will raised if the parameter value is already set.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.set_param_values

set_selected_sim(self, model_info, select_sim)

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Set the simulation selection flag.

  • model_info (tuple of list of SpinContainer instances and list of spin IDs) - The list of spins and spin IDs per cluster originating from model_loop().
  • select_sim (bool) - The selection flag for the simulations.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.set_selected_sim


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Initialise the Monte Carlo parameter values.

Overrides: api_base.API_base.sim_init_values

sim_pack_data(self, data_id, sim_data)

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Pack the Monte Carlo simulation data.

  • data_id (SpinContainer instance and float) - The tuple of the spin container and the exponential curve identifying key, as yielded by the base_data_loop() generator method.
  • sim_data (list of float) - The Monte Carlo simulation data.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.sim_pack_data

sim_return_param(self, model_info, index)

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Return the array of simulation parameter values.

  • model_info (unknown) - The model information originating from model_loop().
  • index (int) - The index of the parameter to return the array of values for.
Returns: list of float
The array of simulation parameter values.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.sim_return_param

sim_return_selected(self, model_info)

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Return the array of selected simulation flags.

  • model_info (tuple of list of SpinContainer instances and list of spin IDs) - The list of spins and spin IDs per cluster originating from model_loop().
Returns: list of int
The array of selected simulation flags.
Overrides: api_base.API_base.sim_return_selected