Package lib :: Package frame_order :: Module conversions
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Module conversions

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Functions for creating or calculating the rotor axis for the frame order models.

Functions [hide private]
float, float
convert_axis_alpha_to_spherical(alpha=None, pivot=None, point=None)
Convert the axis alpha angle to spherical angles theta and phi.
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numpy rank-1 3D float64 array
create_rotor_axis_alpha(alpha=None, pivot=None, point=None)
Create the rotor axis from the axis alpha angle.
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numpy rank-1 3D float64 array
create_rotor_axis_euler(alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None)
Create the rotor axis from the Euler angles.
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numpy rank-1 3D float64 array
create_rotor_axis_spherical(theta=None, phi=None)
Create the rotor axis from the spherical coordinates.
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Variables [hide private]
  R = array([[0., 0., 0...
  Z_AXIS = array([0., 0., 1.])
  __package__ = 'lib.frame_order'

Imports: array, cross, dot, float64, zeros, norm, cartesian_to_spherical, spherical_to_cartesian, axis_angle_to_R, euler_to_R_zyz

Function Details [hide private]

convert_axis_alpha_to_spherical(alpha=None, pivot=None, point=None)

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Convert the axis alpha angle to spherical angles theta and phi.

  • alpha (float) - The axis alpha angle, defined as the angle between a vector perpendicular to the pivot-CoM vector in the xy-plane and the rotor axis.
  • pivot (numpy rank-1 3D array) - The pivot point on the rotation axis.
  • point (numpy rank-1 3D array) - The reference point in space.
Returns: float, float
The theta and phi spherical angles.

create_rotor_axis_alpha(alpha=None, pivot=None, point=None)

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Create the rotor axis from the axis alpha angle.

  • alpha (float) - The axis alpha angle, defined as the angle between a vector perpendicular to the pivot-CoM vector in the xy-plane and the rotor axis.
  • pivot (numpy rank-1 3D array) - The pivot point on the rotation axis.
  • point (numpy rank-1 3D array) - The reference point in space.
Returns: numpy rank-1 3D float64 array
The rotor axis as a unit vector.

create_rotor_axis_euler(alpha=None, beta=None, gamma=None)

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Create the rotor axis from the Euler angles.

  • alpha (float) - The alpha Euler angle in the zyz notation.
  • beta (float) - The beta Euler angle in the zyz notation.
  • gamma (float) - The gamma Euler angle in the zyz notation.
Returns: numpy rank-1 3D float64 array
The rotor axis as a unit vector.

create_rotor_axis_spherical(theta=None, phi=None)

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Create the rotor axis from the spherical coordinates.

  • theta (float) - The polar spherical angle.
  • phi (float) - The azimuthal spherical angle.
Returns: numpy rank-1 3D float64 array
The rotor axis as a unit vector.

Variables Details [hide private]


array([[0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0.],
       [0., 0., 0.]])