relax: dynamics analysis, model-free analysis, relaxation data, R1 and R2 exponential curve-fitting, steady-state NOE calculation, reduced spectral density mapping, relaxation dispersion, N-state model, frame order dynamics theories, stereochemistry, conformational analysis, organic molecules, proteins, RNA, DNA, sugars, and other biomolecules.
relax: dynamics analysis, model-free analysis, relaxation data, R1 and R2 exponential curve-fitting, steady-state NOE calculation, reduced spectral density mapping, relaxation dispersion, N-state model, frame order dynamics theories, stereochemistry, conformational analysis, organic molecules, proteins, RNA, DNA, sugars, and other biomolecules.

relax - Molecular dynamics by NMR data analysis

Analysis software for: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, relaxation dispersion, N-state models, frame order theory.


Screenshot graphic for the software relax

Here are a number of screenshots of relax in action.

Prompt UI screenshots

relax 1.3.14

The following are screenshots of relax 1.3.14 in the prompt UI mode on different operating systems:

Screenshot of the prompt user inteface (UI) running on GNU/Linux (Mageia 1) of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
GNU/Linux - Mageia 1 (konsole)
Screenshot of the prompt user inteface (UI) running on MS Windows 2000 of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
MS Windows 2000 (cmd)
Screenshot of the prompt user inteface (UI) running on MS Windows Vista of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
MS Windows Vista (powershell)
Screenshot of the prompt user inteface (UI) running on Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard (terminal)

GUI screenshots

relax 1.3.14

The following are screenshots of relax 1.3.14 in GUI mode , showing the different GUI elements and features. These have been taken on GNU/Linux, specifically Mageia 1. The relax GUI will adapt to the native look and feel of the host operating system, so will have a slightly different appearance on MS Windows and Mac OS X.

Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) starting interface of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
relax starting interface
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) analysis wizard of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
The analysis selection wizard
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) steady-state NOE anlaysis tab of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
Steady-state NOE analysis
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) R1 anlaysis tab of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
R1 analysis
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) R2 anlaysis tab of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
R2 analysis
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) model-free anlaysis tab of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
Model-free analysis
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) relax controller of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
The relax controller
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) spin viewer window of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
Spin viewer window
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) results viewer window of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
Results viewer window
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) pipe editor window of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
Pipe editor window
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) relax prompt window of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
relax prompt window
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) about GUI screen of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
About GUI screen
Screenshot of the graphical user inteface (GUI) about relax screen of the program relax (software for NMR dynamics analyses, specifically: Model-free, NMR relaxation (R1, R2, NOE), reduced spectral density mapping, N-state models, frame order theory).
About relax screen