Package gui :: Package analyses :: Module auto_rx_base
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[frames] | no frames]

Module auto_rx_base

source code

Module containing the base class for the automatic R1 and R2 analysis frames.

Classes [hide private]
The base class for the R1 and R2 frames.
The Rx analysis execution object.
Variables [hide private]
  ds = The relax data storage obje...
  status = Status()
  __package__ = 'gui.analyses'

Imports: sep, lower, sys, wx, Relax_fit, Relax_data_store, are_spins_named, exists_mol_res_spin_data, has_pipe, Status, Base_analysis, Spectral_error_type_page, Spin_ctrl, Text_ctrl, Execute, Container, Spectra_list, RelaxDirDialog, error_message, Missing_data, Question, gui_to_int, gui_to_str, int_to_gui, protected_exec, str_to_gui, paths, Relax_time_page, Baseplane_rmsd_page, Integration_points_page, Read_intensities_page, Replicated_page, Name_page, Wiz_window

Variables Details [hide private]


The relax data storage object.

Data pipes:

Data store objects:
  __dict__ <type 'dict'>: dict() -> new empty dictionary
  __doc__ <type 'str'>: The relax data storage object.