Package gui :: Module relax_gui
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Module relax_gui

source code

Main module for the relax graphical user interface.

Classes [hide private]
The main GUI class.
Variables [hide private]
  ds = The relax data storage obje...
  status = Status()
  user_functions = User_functions()
  __package__ = 'gui'

Imports: os, F_OK, access, getcwd, mkdir, sep, platform, search, split, sys, wrap, start_new_thread, sleep, webbrowser, wx, buttons, Relax_data_store, Gui, Info_box, state, cdp_name, reset, RelaxError, io_streams_restore, Status, test_suite, version, About_gui, About_relax, Analysis_controller, Container, Spin_view_window, Controller, RelaxFileDialog, font, Relax_task_bar_icon, relax_icons, Interpreter, Menu, error_message, Question, gui_to_str, open_file, protected_exec, paths, Pipe_editor, References, Prompt, Results_viewer, Free_file_format, load_sequence, User_functions

Variables Details [hide private]


The relax data storage object.

Data pipes:

Data store objects:
  __dict__ <type 'dict'>: dict() -> new empty dictionary
  __doc__ <type 'str'>: The relax data storage object.