Package gui :: Module relax_gui :: Class Main
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Main

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The main GUI class.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, parent=None, id=-1, title='', script=None)
Initialise the main relax GUI frame.
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about_gui(self, event)
The about message for the relax GUI.
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about_relax(self, event)
The about message for relax.
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action_state_save(self, event)
Save the program state.
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action_state_save_as(self, event)
Save the program state with file name selection.
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Create a start screen for the main window when no analyses exist.
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Throw a warning to close all of the non-essential windows when execution is locked.
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contact_relax(self, event)
Write an email to the relax mailing-list using the standard mailing program.
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Enable and disable certain parts of the main window with the execution lock.
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exit_gui(self, event=None)
Catch the main window closure and perform the exit procedure.
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Initialise the data used by the GUI interface.
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free_file_format_settings(self, event)
Open the free file format settings window.
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references(self, event)
Display the references relevant for relax.
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relax_manual(self, event)
Display the relax manual.
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run_test_suite(self, event, categories=['system', 'unit', 'gui'])
Execute the full test suite.
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run_test_suite_gui(self, event)
Execute the GUI tests.
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run_test_suite_sys(self, event)
Execute the system tests.
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run_test_suite_unit(self, event)
Execute the unit tests.
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show_controller(self, event)
Display the relax controller window.
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show_pipe_editor(self, event)
Display the data pipe editor window.
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show_prompt(self, event)
Display the relax prompt window.
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show_results_viewer(self, event=None)
Display the analysis results.
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show_results_viewer_safe(self, warn=False)
Display the analysis results in a thread safe wx.CallAfter call.
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Display the analysis results.
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show_tree(self, event)
Display the molecule, residue, and spin tree window.
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state_load(self, event=None, file_name=None)
Load the program state.
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Save the program state.
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sync_ds(self, upload=False)
Synchronise the GUI and the relax data store, both ways.
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Create the toolbar.
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Update the status bar info.
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Inherited from wx._windows.Frame: Command, Create, CreateStatusBar, CreateToolBar, DoGiveHelp, DoMenuUpdates, GetMenuBar, GetStatusBar, GetStatusBarPane, GetToolBar, PopStatusText, ProcessCommand, PushStatusText, SendSizeEvent, SetMenuBar, SetStatusBar, SetStatusBarPane, SetStatusText, SetStatusWidths, SetToolBar

Inherited from wx._windows.TopLevelWindow: CenterOnScreen, CentreOnScreen, EnableCloseButton, GetDefaultItem, GetIcon, GetTitle, GetTmpDefaultItem, Iconize, IsActive, IsAlwaysMaximized, IsFullScreen, IsIconized, IsMaximized, MacGetMetalAppearance, MacGetTopLevelWindowRef, MacGetUnifiedAppearance, MacSetMetalAppearance, Maximize, RequestUserAttention, Restore, SetDefaultItem, SetIcon, SetIcons, SetShape, SetTitle, SetTmpDefaultItem, ShowFullScreen, __repr__

Inherited from wx._core.Window: AcceptsFocus, AcceptsFocusFromKeyboard, AddChild, AdjustForLayoutDirection, AssociateHandle, CacheBestSize, CanSetTransparent, CaptureMouse, Center, CenterOnParent, Centre, CentreOnParent, ClearBackground, ClientToScreen, ClientToScreenXY, ClientToWindowSize, Close, ConvertDialogPointToPixels, ConvertDialogSizeToPixels, ConvertPixelPointToDialog, ConvertPixelSizeToDialog, DLG_PNT, DLG_SZE, Destroy, DestroyChildren, Disable, DissociateHandle, DragAcceptFiles, Enable, FindWindowById, FindWindowByLabel, FindWindowByName, Fit, FitInside, Freeze, GetAcceleratorTable, GetAdjustedBestSize, GetAutoLayout, GetBackgroundColour, GetBackgroundStyle, GetBestFittingSize, GetBestSize, GetBestSizeTuple, GetBestVirtualSize, GetBorder, GetCaret, GetCharHeight, GetCharWidth, GetChildren, GetClientAreaOrigin, GetClientRect, GetClientSize, GetClientSizeTuple, GetConstraints, GetContainingSizer, GetCursor, GetDefaultAttributes, GetDropTarget, GetEffectiveMinSize, GetEventHandler, GetExtraStyle, GetFont, GetForegroundColour, GetFullTextExtent, GetGrandParent, GetGtkWidget, GetHandle, GetHelpText, GetHelpTextAtPoint, GetId, GetLabel, GetLayoutDirection, GetMaxHeight, GetMaxSize, GetMaxWidth, GetMinHeight, GetMinSize, GetMinWidth, GetName, GetParent, GetPosition, GetPositionTuple, GetRect, GetScreenPosition, GetScreenPositionTuple, GetScreenRect, GetScrollPos, GetScrollRange, GetScrollThumb, GetSize, GetSizeTuple, GetSizer, GetTextExtent, GetThemeEnabled, GetToolTip, GetTopLevelParent, GetUpdateClientRect, GetUpdateRegion, GetValidator, GetVirtualSize, GetVirtualSizeTuple, GetWindowBorderSize, GetWindowStyle, GetWindowStyleFlag, GetWindowVariant, HasCapture, HasFlag, HasMultiplePages, HasScrollbar, HasTransparentBackground, Hide, HitTest, HitTestXY, InheritAttributes, InheritsBackgroundColour, InitDialog, InvalidateBestSize, IsBeingDeleted, IsDoubleBuffered, IsEnabled, IsExposed, IsExposedPoint, IsExposedRect, IsFrozen, IsRetained, IsShown, IsShownOnScreen, IsTopLevel, Layout, LineDown, LineUp, Lower, MakeModal, Move, MoveAfterInTabOrder, MoveBeforeInTabOrder, MoveXY, Navigate, PageDown, PageUp, PopEventHandler, PopupMenu, PopupMenuXY, PostCreate, PrepareDC, PushEventHandler, Raise, Refresh, RefreshRect, RegisterHotKey, ReleaseMouse, RemoveChild, RemoveEventHandler, Reparent, ScreenToClient, ScreenToClientXY, ScrollLines, ScrollPages, ScrollWindow, SetAcceleratorTable, SetAutoLayout, SetBackgroundColour, SetBackgroundStyle, SetBestFittingSize, SetCaret, SetClientRect, SetClientSize, SetClientSizeWH, SetConstraints, SetContainingSizer, SetCursor, SetDimensions, SetDoubleBuffered, SetDropTarget, SetEventHandler, SetExtraStyle, SetFocus, SetFocusFromKbd, SetFont, SetForegroundColour, SetHelpText, SetHelpTextForId, SetId, SetInitialSize, SetLabel, SetLayoutDirection, SetMaxSize, SetMinSize, SetName, SetOwnBackgroundColour, SetOwnFont, SetOwnForegroundColour, SetPosition, SetRect, SetScrollPos, SetScrollbar, SetSize, SetSizeHints, SetSizeHintsSz, SetSizeWH, SetSizer, SetSizerAndFit, SetThemeEnabled, SetToolTip, SetToolTipString, SetTransparent, SetValidator, SetVirtualSize, SetVirtualSizeHints, SetVirtualSizeHintsSz, SetVirtualSizeWH, SetWindowStyle, SetWindowStyleFlag, SetWindowVariant, ShouldInheritColours, Show, Thaw, ToggleWindowStyle, TransferDataFromWindow, TransferDataToWindow, UnregisterHotKey, Update, UpdateWindowUI, UseBgCol, Validate, WarpPointer, WindowToClientSize

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler: AddPendingEvent, Bind, Connect, Disconnect, GetEvtHandlerEnabled, GetNextHandler, GetPreviousHandler, ProcessEvent, ProcessPendingEvents, SetEvtHandlerEnabled, SetNextHandler, SetPreviousHandler, Unbind

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler (private): _setOORInfo

Inherited from wx._core.Object: GetClassName, IsSameAs

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Static Methods [hide private]

Inherited from wx._windows.Frame: GetClassDefaultAttributes

Inherited from wx._core.Window: FindFocus, GetCapture, NewControlId, NextControlId, PrevControlId

Class Variables [hide private]
  min_width = 1000
  min_height = 600
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from wx._windows.Frame: MenuBar, StatusBar, StatusBarPane, ToolBar, thisown

Inherited from wx._windows.TopLevelWindow: DefaultItem, Icon, Title, TmpDefaultItem

Inherited from wx._core.Window: AcceleratorTable, AutoLayout, BackgroundColour, BackgroundStyle, BestSize, BestVirtualSize, Border, Caret, CharHeight, CharWidth, Children, ClientAreaOrigin, ClientRect, ClientSize, Constraints, ContainingSizer, Cursor, DefaultAttributes, DropTarget, EffectiveMinSize, Enabled, EventHandler, ExtraStyle, Font, ForegroundColour, GrandParent, GtkWidget, Handle, HelpText, Id, Label, LayoutDirection, MaxHeight, MaxSize, MaxWidth, MinHeight, MinSize, MinWidth, Name, Parent, Position, Rect, ScreenPosition, ScreenRect, Shown, Size, Sizer, ThemeEnabled, ToolTip, TopLevel, TopLevelParent, UpdateClientRect, UpdateRegion, Validator, VirtualSize, WindowStyle, WindowStyleFlag, WindowVariant

Inherited from wx._core.EvtHandler: EvtHandlerEnabled, NextHandler, PreviousHandler

Inherited from wx._core.Object: ClassName

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, parent=None, id=-1, title='', script=None)

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Initialise the main relax GUI frame.

Returns: EvtHandler
Overrides: object.__init__

about_gui(self, event)

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The about message for the relax GUI.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

about_relax(self, event)

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The about message for relax.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

action_state_save(self, event)

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Save the program state.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

action_state_save_as(self, event)

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Save the program state with file name selection.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.


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Throw a warning to close all of the non-essential windows when execution is locked.

This is to speed up the calculations by avoiding window updates.

exit_gui(self, event=None)

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Catch the main window closure and perform the exit procedure.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

free_file_format_settings(self, event)

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Open the free file format settings window.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

references(self, event)

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Display the references relevant for relax.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

relax_manual(self, event)

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Display the relax manual.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

run_test_suite(self, event, categories=['system', 'unit', 'gui'])

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Execute the full test suite.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.
  • categories (list of str) - The list of test categories to run, for example ['system', 'unit', 'gui'] for all tests.

run_test_suite_gui(self, event)

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Execute the GUI tests.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

run_test_suite_sys(self, event)

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Execute the system tests.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

run_test_suite_unit(self, event)

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Execute the unit tests.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

show_controller(self, event)

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Display the relax controller window.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

show_pipe_editor(self, event)

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Display the data pipe editor window.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

show_prompt(self, event)

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Display the relax prompt window.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

show_results_viewer(self, event=None)

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Display the analysis results.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

show_results_viewer_safe(self, warn=False)

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Display the analysis results in a thread safe wx.CallAfter call.

  • warn (bool) - A flag which if True will cause a message dialog to appear warning about keeping the window open with the execution lock.

show_tree(self, event)

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Display the molecule, residue, and spin tree window.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.

state_load(self, event=None, file_name=None)

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Load the program state.

  • event (wx event) - The wx event.
  • file_name (str) - The name of the file to load (for dialogless operation).

sync_ds(self, upload=False)

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Synchronise the GUI and the relax data store, both ways.

This method allows the GUI information to be uploaded into the relax data store, or for the information in the relax data store to be downloaded by the GUI.

  • upload (bool) - A flag which if True will cause the GUI to send data to the relax data store. If False, data will be downloaded from the relax data store to update the GUI.