Package minfx :: Module generic
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Module generic

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Generic minimisation function for easy access to all of the optimization algorithms.

This file is part of the minfx optimisation library.

Functions [hide private]
generic_minimise(func=None, dfunc=None, d2func=None, args=(), x0=None, min_algor=None, min_options=None, func_tol=1e-25, grad_tol=None, maxiter=1000000.0, A=None, b=None, l=None, u=None, c=None, dc=None, d2c=None, print_flag=0, print_prefix='', full_output=False)
Generic minimisation function.
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Variables [hide private]
  SA_flag = True
  __package__ = 'minfx'

Imports: match, search, bfgs, cauchy_point, coordinate_descent, dogleg, MinfxError, exact_trust_region, fletcher_reeves, hestenes_stiefel, levenberg_marquardt, log_barrier_function, method_of_multipliers, ncg, newton, polak_ribiere, polak_ribiere_plus, simplex, steepest_descent, steihaug, anneal

Function Details [hide private]

generic_minimise(func=None, dfunc=None, d2func=None, args=(), x0=None, min_algor=None, min_options=None, func_tol=1e-25, grad_tol=None, maxiter=1000000.0, A=None, b=None, l=None, u=None, c=None, dc=None, d2c=None, print_flag=0, print_prefix='', full_output=False)

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Generic minimisation function.

This is a generic function which can be used to access all minimisers using the same set of function arguments. These are the function tolerance value for convergence tests, the maximum number of iterations, a flag specifying which data structures should be returned, and a flag specifying the amount of detail to print to screen.

Minimisation output

The following values of the 'full_output' flag will return, in tuple form, the following data:

  • 0: 'xk',
  • 1: '(xk, fk, k, f_count, g_count, h_count, warning)',

where the data names correspond to:

  • 'xk': The array of minimised parameter values,
  • 'fk': The minimised function value,
  • 'k': The number of iterations,
  • 'f_count': The number of function calls,
  • 'g_count': The number of gradient calls,
  • 'h_count': The number of Hessian calls,
  • 'warning': The warning string.

Minimisation algorithms

A minimisation function is selected if the minimisation algorithm argument, which should be a string, matches a certain pattern. Because the python regular expression 'match' statement is used, various strings can be supplied to select the same minimisation algorithm. Below is a list of the minimisation algorithms available together with the corresponding patterns.

This is a short description of python regular expression, for more information, see the regular expression syntax section of the Python Library Reference. Some of the regular expression syntax used in this function is:

  • '[]': A sequence or set of characters to match to a single character. For example, '[Nn]ewton' will match both 'Newton' and 'newton'.
  • '^': Match the start of the string.
  • '$': Match the end of the string. For example, '^[Ll][Mm]$' will match 'lm' and 'LM' but will not match if characters are placed either before or after these strings.

To select a minimisation algorithm, set the argument to a string which matches the given pattern.

Unconstrained line search methods:

   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Minimisation algorithm            | Patterns                                            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Back-and-forth coordinate descent | '^[Cc][Dd]$' or '^[Cc]oordinate[ _-][Dd]escent$'    |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Steepest descent                  | '^[Ss][Dd]$' or '^[Ss]teepest[ _-][Dd]escent$'      |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Quasi-Newton BFGS                 | '^[Bb][Ff][Gg][Ss]$'                                |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Newton                            | '^[Nn]ewton$'                                       |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Newton-CG                         | '^[Nn]ewton[ _-][Cc][Gg]$' or '^[Nn][Cc][Gg]$'      |

Unconstrained trust-region methods:

   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Minimisation algorithm            | Patterns                                            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Cauchy point                      | '^[Cc]auchy'                                        |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Dogleg                            | '^[Dd]ogleg'                                        |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | CG-Steihaug                       | '^[Cc][Gg][-_ ][Ss]teihaug' or '^[Ss]teihaug'       |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Exact trust region                | '^[Ee]xact'                                         |

Unconstrained conjugate gradient methods:

   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Minimisation algorithm            | Patterns                                            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Fletcher-Reeves                   | '^[Ff][Rr]$' or '^[Ff]letcher[-_ ][Rr]eeves$'       |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Polak-Ribiere                     | '^[Pp][Rr]$' or '^[Pp]olak[-_ ][Rr]ibiere$'         |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Polak-Ribiere +                   | '^[Pp][Rr]\+$' or '^[Pp]olak[-_ ][Rr]ibiere\+$'     |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Hestenes-Stiefel                  | '^[Hh][Ss]$' or '^[Hh]estenes[-_ ][Ss]tiefel$'      |

Miscellaneous unconstrained methods:

   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Minimisation algorithm            | Patterns                                            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Simplex                           | '^[Ss]implex$'                                      |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Levenberg-Marquardt               | '^[Ll][Mm]$' or '^[Ll]evenburg-[Mm]arquardt$'       |

Constrained methods:

   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Minimisation algorithm            | Patterns                                            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Method of Multipliers             | '^[Mm][Oo][Mm]$' or '[Mm]ethod of [Mm]ultipliers$'  |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Logarithmic barrier function      | 'Log barrier'                                       |

Global minimisation methods:

   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Minimisation algorithm            | Patterns                                            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Simulated Annealing               | '^[Ss][Aa]$' or '^[Ss]imulated [Aa]nnealing$'       |

Minimisation options

The minimisation options can be given in any order.

Line search algorithms. These are used in the line search methods and the conjugate gradient methods. The default is the Backtracking line search. The algorithms are:

   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Line search algorithm             | Patterns                                            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Backtracking line search          | '^[Bb]ack'                                          |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Nocedal and Wright interpolation  | '^[Nn][Ww][Ii]' or                                  |
   | based line search                 | '^[Nn]ocedal[ _][Ww]right[ _][Ii]nt'                |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Nocedal and Wright line search    | '^[Nn][Ww][Ww]' or                                  |
   | for the Wolfe conditions          | '^[Nn]ocedal[ _][Ww]right[ _][Ww]olfe'              |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | More and Thuente line search      | '^[Mm][Tt]' or '^[Mm]ore[ _][Tt]huente$'            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | No line search                    | '^[Nn]o [Ll]ine [Ss]earch$'                         |

Hessian modifications. These are used in the Newton, Dogleg, and Exact trust region algorithms:

   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Hessian modification              | Patterns                                            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Unmodified Hessian                | '^[Nn]o [Hh]essian [Mm]od'                          |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Eigenvalue modification           | '^[Ee]igen'                                         |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Cholesky with added multiple of   | '^[Cc]hol'                                          |
   | the identity                      |                                                     |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | The Gill, Murray, and Wright      | '^[Gg][Mm][Ww]$'                                    |
   | modified Cholesky algorithm       |                                                     |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | The Schnabel and Eskow 1999       | '^[Ss][Ee]99'                                       |
   | algorithm                         |                                                     |

Hessian type, these are used in a few of the trust region methods including the Dogleg and Exact trust region algorithms. In these cases, when the Hessian type is set to Newton, a Hessian modification can also be supplied as above. The default Hessian type is Newton, and the default Hessian modification when Newton is selected is the GMW algorithm:

   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Hessian type                      | Patterns                                            |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Quasi-Newton BFGS                 | '^[Bb][Ff][Gg][Ss]$'                                |
   |                                   |                                                     |
   | Newton                            | '^[Nn]ewton$'                                       |

For Newton minimisation, the default line search algorithm is the More and Thuente line search, while the default Hessian modification is the GMW algorithm.

  • func (func) - The function which returns the value.
  • dfunc (func) - The function which returns the gradient.
  • d2func (func) - The function which returns the Hessian.
  • args (tuple) - The tuple of arguments to supply to the functions func, dfunc, and d2func.
  • x0 (numpy rank-1 array) - The vector of initial parameter value estimates (as an array).
  • min_algor (str) - A string specifying which minimisation technique to use.
  • min_options (tuple) - A tuple to pass to the minimisation function as the min_options keyword.
  • func_tol (float) - The function tolerance value. Once the function value between iterations decreases below this value, minimisation is terminated.
  • grad_tol (float) - The gradient tolerance value.
  • maxiter (int) - The maximum number of iterations.
  • A (numpy rank-2 array) - Linear constraint matrix m*n (A.x >= b).
  • b (numpy rank-1 array) - Linear constraint scalar vector (A.x >= b).
  • l (numpy rank-1 array) - Lower bound constraint vector (l <= x <= u).
  • u (numpy rank-1 array) - Upper bound constraint vector (l <= x <= u).
  • c (func) - User supplied constraint function.
  • dc (func) - User supplied constraint gradient function.
  • d2c (func) - User supplied constraint Hessian function.
  • print_flag (int) - A flag specifying how much information should be printed to standard output during minimisation. 0 means no output, 1 means minimal output, and values above 1 increase the amount of output printed.
  • print_prefix (str) - The text to add out to the front of all print outs.
  • full_output (bool) - A flag specifying which data structures should be returned.