mailRe: [bug #21187] "NoneType" error message while loading side chain amide protons

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Posted by Edward d'Auvergne on October 10, 2013 - 14:54:

I'll shift the discussions to the mailing list now.  Please see below:

Thank you for the workaround! Is this fix already in the SVN now?

Yes.  You will have to do the standard 'svn co relax-trunk' or 'svn up', or wait
for relax 3.0.1 to be released.

It's a shame that AMBERs "reduce" generates faulty files. I actually liked
using it because it makes a few little adjustments after adding the 
But if this gives me de facto corrupted files I maybe just should use the
attach_protons function of relax!

Note these are not equivalent.  The relax attach_protons function does
not create atomic coordinates for the new protons whereas AMBER's
does.  This means that you cannot use it for the spheroidal or
ellipsoidal diffusion tensors in a model-free analysis.  You should
understand how AMBER places these protons and how other programs do
this too.  I hope that one day relax will be able to do this, but that
will require a volunteer to add the algorithm.

Probably the conformational differences are too small to make a real
difference in the subsequent MF analysis, given how large the actual errors 
my rates etc actually are. I will look into this and if there's any
difference, report back here.

I unfortunately don't understand what this means.  But if you mean
bond vector orientations, the relaxation rates are highly sensitive to
these even with low levels of anisotropy.



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