mailRe: Pymol macro script.

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Posted by Sébastien Morin on October 28, 2009 - 12:34:
Hi Michael,

You can find it in the 'scripts' directory of the 1.3 repository



Michael Bieri wrote:
Hi Edward

Where do I find the code_validator script?


Edward d'Auvergne schrieb:

I would start by getting the script in shape to be included into the
sample scripts directory.  Afterwards I would look at incorporating
things into the core of relax.  The script needs to have a relax
copyright statement with your name and the date in it, as in the script.  It should also pass the
scripts/code_validator script (with reasonable exceptions).  Then it
can be added to the repository.  Oh, a full and clear description at
the top would also be useful.



2009/10/21 Michael Bieri <michael.bieri@xxxxxx>:
Hi Edward

I think it could be useful to incorporate the scripts to relax,
especially the pymol macro. I was looking for these functions in relax
and wrote them by myself as I could not execute them in relax.

If you could tell me how I have to modify the script to get into the
core of relax, I will write them. I think the command you proposed would
be ok, but we could also include a parameter, where you can indicate the
maximum (e.g.) Rex value of one state of the protein, so the color
coding would be relative to each other and not only per conformation (or
even we could load results file of, let say, free and bound
conformation). Just let me know and I will work on it.


Edward d'Auvergne schrieb:
Hi Michael,

That script is quite useful, I need to get a few of these into the
sample scripts directory.  Note that the results that Boaz has are not
those of a complete analysis and should not be presented (the
diffusion tensor is not optimised so the results will be full of
artifacts).  One point with this script, I would recommend abstracting
the model.  In model-free analysis, the model which has been selected
is not really important, rather the motions that are reported.  For
example model m2 can nicely approximate model m5 and if noise makes
the slower motion statistically insignificant, that does not mean that
the motion is not there.  I have added my script for Molmol macros to
the relax sample_scripts directory
which shows this.

I was wondering if you would like to try to get your script into
relax?  It could be quite useful to have, but there are a few things
that would need to be done.  For example the Pymol macros would be
better implemented directly in relax rather than in the script.  I.e.
there is the pymol.write() user function which currently does nothing.
 This could be implemented so the user types something like:

relax> pymol.write(data_type='amp_fast', style='bieri',
colour_start='red', colour_end='blue', force=True)
relax> pymol.write(data_type='time_slow', style='bieri',
colour_start='red', colour_end='blue', force=True)

This could simply mimic the current molmol code but replacing the
contents with what you have in your script.  I could add the script as
is, if it passes the code validator in 'scripts/code_validator', and
then this idea for incorporating your code into the core of relax
explored later.  What do you think?



2009/9/17 Michael Bieri <michael.bieri@xxxxxx>:

Hi Boaz

There are many data present in the result file obtained by relax (final 

To extract the data I am interested, I'm created the following script: (see attachment).

Just navigate to your final run directory, where the file results.bz2 is
located, and copy your pdb file and this script into it. Then run the 
using the command "relax".

This will create a table with Residue Numer - Model - S2 - Rex as well 
single data files and grace plots. Furtermore, it calculates the 
tensor pdb and generates PyMol macros to visualize the S2 and Rex 
values in
PyMol (just run the macros in PyMol terminal by the command "@s2.pml").

The script works with relax 1.3.4 (not tested with 1.3.3).

I hope this script may help you! There is more that can be incorporated.


Michael Bieri, PhD
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bio21 Molecular Science and Biotechnology Institute
The University of Melbourne, 30 Flemington Road
Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia

Tel.: +61 3 8334 2256

Boaz Shapira wrote:


I just installed relax and tried to figure out how it works (couldn't).
I have no idea about python and I don't mind to keep it that way 
unless i
have no other choice.
Still, I tried to play with the examples and couldn't make it work (the
relax --text-suite didn't give me error)

I tried to run from the relax prompt but it gives me 
" Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
NameError: name 'model' is not defined "

Then I copied line by line and it did work.
It save it in a .bz2 format.
Now If I want to read the data what format should I use?
It looks like a source html file.

In general I collected data on two fields and want to analyze the data
with a black box (the ?)
I have the input files in the right format as in the examples
I have the pdb file

Is it possible to simply run a black-box that will give me an output:
List of the residues with the best model for each, the values for this
model (S2, tau ...), the goodness of the fitting, and
the overall diffusion tensor?
This black box will also reject "bad" relaxation data.
and all of that will be given in a text file?

It is too much to ask?

Thank you,


Boaz Shapira PhD
Complex Carbohydrate Research Center
University of Georgia
315 Riverbend Rd
Athens, GA 30602-4712

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Sébastien Morin
PhD Student
S. Gagné NMR Laboratory
Université Laval & PROTEO
Québec, Canada

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