mailRelax 1.3.6 volume/point sum

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Posted by Maddy Strickland on January 07, 2011 - 16:07:
Hi Edward,

I've been using the 1.3.6. version of Relax today.  It is excellent at
recognising the Analysis2.1 Sparky formatted files now, thank you Edward,
but I thought I might try using my old lists and changing the int_method
function in Relax curve fit from 'height' to 'volume' (as they were volume
all along!) to see what answers I get - will it get me accurated results -
 in the manual, it says that error is calculated in the same way as long
as you have replicated spectra for either height or volume - is this true?

Apart from these queries I think I've come across a problem... In the test
suite, using 'height' as the in_method function, there are no problems. 
But when you change to 'point_sum' or 'point sum' as it says in the manual
(tried both), the program says the options are height, volume or other. 
I've tried putting in 'volume', but I get the following error.

relax> spectrum.replicated(spectrum_ids=['T2_ncyc1_ave', 'T2_ncyc1b_ave'])

relax> spectrum.replicated(spectrum_ids=['T2_ncyc4_ave', 'T2_ncyc4b_ave'])

relax> spectrum.replicated(spectrum_ids=['T2_ncyc9_ave', 'T2_ncyc9b_ave'])

relax> spectrum.replicated(spectrum_ids=['T2_ncyc11_ave', 'T2_ncyc11b_ave'])

relax> spectrum.error_analysis()
Intensity measure:  Peak volumes.
Replicated spectra:  Yes.
RelaxError: This function has not yet been implemented.


Is this a problem from changing between 'point sum' and 'volume'
nomenclature at some point?

Madeleine Strickland

MCJC Group
N317, School of Chemistry, Bristol University

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