Hi, The '>' symbol means redirect the text output to the terminal into the new file called 'relax_maths_fns_dir.log' instead - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Redirection_%28computing%29. The errors indicate that you are not allowed to create files within the relax directory - Windows says 'no'. In which case, you might need to add the full path to where you are allowed to create files: $ dir maths_fns > C:\my directory\relax_maths_fns_dir.log $ relax --info > C:\my directory\relax_info.log $ scons > C:\my directory\scons.log 2> C:\my directory\scons.err Note that 'C:\my directory' needs to be replaced by a real directory. Regards, Edward On 5 April 2012 12:39, James Nyirenda <jamesn7414@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I see, actually am reading a bit on fotran to help myself,thanks for the notification. on typing "dir maths_fns > relax_maths_fns_dir.log" the output simply says File not found. I downloaded the relax1-3.14.win32 zip file and i personally checked in the maths_fns folder, no file relax_maths_fns Then the "relax --info > relax2.7.log" tells me i have no access, kind of strange as am the adminstrator but it cant go any further than this. Sorry again, must have fed you with more information and bear with me please. Kind regards Jimmy