mailSH3, model-free failed (relax GUI)

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Posted by Martin Ballaschk on June 05, 2012 - 11:00:

Hello Edward, hello relax-users,

for five days relax calculated mf models for SH3 and then something went 
wrong. It stopped with 

RelaxFault: RelaxError: Impossible to be here, please re-run relax with the 
'--debug' flag and summit a bug report at

A look at the relax messages tells me that almost all spin got eleminated. 
The "debugging run" is still running.

I will try to give a detailed description of what we've done to collect the 
input data and maybe you can give me a hint what may be a problem; if it's 
something with the sample, the measuring setup or the processing workflow.


1.) Protein / sample

* SH3 from chicken alpha-spectrin, 62 residues (1AEY.pdb)
* 2H/13C/15N and metyhl-group labeled
* concentration: ~ .5 mM
* our "all-purpose model protein" for testing new stuff

2.) Data collection

* two fields: 600 MHz & 750 MHz (Bruker spectrometers with cryo probes)
* 600 machine:
* 750 machine:
* temperature: 300.1 K
   o comparison between between T1 and T2 temperatures /w methanol
     gave *no* differences in temperature at the 600 MHz machine (!)
   o 750 MHz spectrometer needs still to be tested though
   o temperature differences in HetNOE also need to be tested
* single-scan interleaved recording was performed for T1, T2 and HetNOE 
* T1: delays between 12 and 1500 ms, 8 data points, 4 of them replicated 
* T2: delays between 17 and 217 ms, 8 data points, 4 of them replicated 

3.) Data processing

* processing of all spectra: Bruker TOPSPIN 3.1
* peak picking with CCPN 2.2.1:
  o T1, T2 (pseudo-3D) picked with „Follow intensity changes“ function
  o HetNOE (2D planes) picked with „Heteronuclear NOE“ function
* T1, T2 analysed with relax' fitting function
* consisteny testing performed with Sebastien Morins script
  (although I'm not sure about the interpretation of the results,
  also: the molecule is very small and tau_m < 5ns)

4.) Model-free analysis within relax GUI

* imported all relaxation data as described
* CSA, bond length values: default values taken
* unit vectors from 1AEY.pdb (averaged in relax)

All the relax data of this run including the results files and consistency 
testing plots have been made publicly available:

I would be very grateful if you could have a look at the data and tell me: is 
it me or is it a bug? 


Martin Ballaschk
AG Schmieder
Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-94793-234/315
Büro: A 1.26
Labor: C 1.10

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