
Rigid model equations

Rigid model rotation matrices

For the rigid model, there is no motion so the rotation matrix is simply the identity matrix

R = $\displaystyle \begin{pmatrix}
1 & . & . \\
. & 1 & . \\
. & . & 1 \\
\end{pmatrix}$. (16.2)

Rigid frame order matrix

The frame order matrix is

Daeg(n) = R⊗n, (16.3)

where surface normalisation factor is 1.

Rigid 1 degree frame order

The 1 degree frame order matrix with tensor rank-2 is the identity matrix

\textrm{Daeg}^{(1)}&= R^{\otimes 1} , \\
&= \...
...& . \\
. & 1 & . \\
. & . & 1 \\

Rigid 2 degree frame order

The 2 degree frame order matrix with tensor rank-4 is the identity matrix

\textrm{Daeg}^{(2)}&= R^{\otimes 2} , \\
&= \...
...& . & . & . & . & . & . & . & 1 \\

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.