The frame order analysis scripts

The following is the example frame order analysis script located at sample_scripts/frame_order/

"""Script for black-box Frame Order analysis.

This is for the CaM-IQ data.

The free rotor pseudo-elliptic cone model is not used in this script as the cone X and Y opening angles cannot be differentiated with simply RDC and PCS data, hence this model is perfectly approximated by the free rotor isotropic cone.

# Python module imports.
from numpy import array
from time import asctime, localtime

# relax module imports.
from auto_analyses.frame_order import Frame_order_analysis, Optimisation_settings

# Analysis variables.

# The frame order models to use.
    'iso cone',
    'iso cone, torsionless',
    'pseudo-ellipse, torsionless',
    'double rotor'

# The number of Monte Carlo simulations to be used for error analysis at the end of the protocol.
MC_NUM = 10

# Rigid model optimisation setup.
OPT_RIGID = Optimisation_settings()
OPT_RIGID.add_grid(inc=21, zoom=0)
OPT_RIGID.add_grid(inc=21, zoom=1)
OPT_RIGID.add_grid(inc=21, zoom=2)
OPT_RIGID.add_grid(inc=21, zoom=3)

# PCS subset optimisation setup.
OPT_SUBSET = Optimisation_settings()
OPT_SUBSET.add_grid(inc=11, zoom=0, sobol_max_points=100)
OPT_SUBSET.add_grid(inc=11, zoom=1, sobol_max_points=100)
OPT_SUBSET.add_grid(inc=11, zoom=2, sobol_max_points=100)
OPT_SUBSET.add_min(min_algor='simplex', func_tol=1e-2, sobol_max_points=100)

# Full data set optimisation setup.
OPT_FULL = Optimisation_settings()
OPT_FULL.add_grid(inc=11, zoom=2, sobol_max_points=100)
OPT_FULL.add_grid(inc=11, zoom=3, sobol_max_points=100)
OPT_FULL.add_min(min_algor='simplex', func_tol=1e-2, sobol_max_points=100)
OPT_FULL.add_min(min_algor='simplex', func_tol=1e-3, sobol_max_points=1000)
OPT_FULL.add_min(min_algor='simplex', func_tol=1e-4, sobol_max_points=10000)

# Monte Carlo simulation optimisation setup.
OPT_MC = Optimisation_settings()
OPT_MC.add_min(min_algor='simplex', func_tol=1e-3, sobol_max_points=100)

# Set up the base data pipes.

# The data pipe bundle to group all data pipes.
PIPE_BUNDLE = "Frame Order (%s)" % asctime(localtime())

# Create the base data pipe containing only a subset of the PCS data.
SUBSET = "Data subset - " + PIPE_BUNDLE
pipe.create(pipe_name=SUBSET, pipe_type='frame order', bundle=PIPE_BUNDLE)

# Read the structures.
structure.read_pdb('2BE6_ndom_truncN.pdb', dir='../../../structures/2BE6_superimpose', set_mol_name='N-dom')
structure.read_pdb('2BE6_cdom_truncC.pdb', dir='../../../structures/2BE6_superimpose', set_mol_name='C-dom')

# Set up the 15N and 1H spins.
structure.load_spins(spin_id='@N', mol_name_target='CaM', ave_pos=False)
structure.load_spins(spin_id='@H', mol_name_target='CaM', ave_pos=False)
spin.isotope(isotope='15N', spin_id='@N')
spin.isotope(isotope='1H', spin_id='@H')

# Define the magnetic dipole-dipole relaxation interaction.
interatom.define(spin_id1='@N', spin_id2='@H', direct_bond=True)
interatom.set_dist(spin_id1='@N', spin_id2='@H', ave_dist=1.041 * 1e-10)

# Deselect mobile spins and vectors (from the CaM model-free order parameters from the BMRB).

# The lanthanides and data files.
ln = ['dy', 'tb', 'tm', 'er', 'yb', 'ho']
pcs_files = [
pcs_files_subset = [
rdc_files = [

# The spectrometer frequencies for Luigi's measurements (matching the above lanthanide ordering, taken from the acqus SFO1 parameter).
pcs_frq = [
    701.2533001,    # Dy3+.
    701.2533002,    # Tb3+.
    701.2533005,    # Tm3+.
    701.2533003,    # Er3+.
    701.2533004,    # Yb3+.
    701.2533005     # Ho3+.
rdc_frq = [
    900.00423401,   # Dy3+.
    900.00423381,   # Tb3+.
    900.00423431,   # Tm3+.
    899.90423151,   # Er3+.
    899.90423111,   # Yb3+.
    899.80423481,   # Ho3+.

# Loop over the alignments.
for i in range(len(ln)):
    # Load the RDCs.[i], file=rdc_files[i], dir='../../../align_data/CaM_IQ/', spin_id1_col=1, spin_id2_col=2, data_col=3, error_col=4)

    # The 1H PCS (only a subset of ~5 spins for fast initial optimisations).[i], file=pcs_files_subset[i], dir='../../../align_data/CaM_IQ/', res_num_col=1, data_col=3, error_col=4, spin_id='@H')

    # The temperature and field strength.
    spectrometer.temperature(id=ln[i], temp=303.0)
    spectrometer.frequency(id=ln[i], frq=rdc_frq[i], units="MHz")

# Set up the tensors from the CaM-IQ ABC :6-74@N,CA,C,O N-state model fit.
align_tensor.init(tensor='Dy N-dom', align_id='dy', params=(-0.000895122969134, 0.000200206126748, 0.000350783562498, 0.000789321179176, -0.000185956794915), param_types=2)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Dy N-dom', align_id='dy', params=(1.2293468401e-05, 1.74966511177e-05, 1.07296910627e-05, 1.21471537359e-05, 9.98472771055e-06), param_types=2, errors=True)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Tb N-dom', align_id='tb', params=(-0.000386773980249, -0.000252229451755, 0.000289345115245, 0.00077454551221, -0.000411564842864), param_types=2)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Tb N-dom', align_id='tb', params=(9.08568851197e-06, 1.25046911688e-05, 9.13279347879e-06, 8.66699785438e-06, 8.17084290029e-06), param_types=2, errors=True)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Tm N-dom', align_id='tm', params=(0.000138832563763, 0.00019276873546, -0.000401761891364, -0.00053984778662, 0.000385156710458), param_types=2)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Tm N-dom', align_id='tm', params=(7.45028293534e-06, 1.15087527652e-05, 7.80160598908e-06, 7.48687231235e-06, 8.44077530542e-06), param_types=2, errors=True)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Er N-dom', align_id='er', params=(0.00013266928235, 6.08491225722e-05, -0.000249892897607, -0.000344865388853, 0.000118692962249), param_types=2)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Er N-dom', align_id='er', params=(6.24728334522e-06, 8.68937486363e-06, 7.96726504939e-06, 6.43064935791e-06, 1.00354375045e-05), param_types=2, errors=True)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Yb N-dom', align_id='yb', params=(0.000150564392882, -7.59743643441e-05, -0.00013958907081, -0.000188379895441, 0.000102722198261), param_types=2)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Yb N-dom', align_id='yb', params=(4.42731599871e-06, 5.1565091874e-06, 5.18051425981e-06, 3.9225664592e-06, 4.49007020445e-06), param_types=2, errors=True)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Ho N-dom', align_id='ho', params=(-0.000307522207243, 2.76511812842e-05, 0.000152789357344, 0.000307999279733, -0.000235201851074), param_types=2)
align_tensor.init(tensor='Ho N-dom', align_id='ho', params=(6.56971189673e-06, 1.0420422445e-05, 8.05282585054e-06, 7.42469124453e-06, 7.25413636142e-06), param_types=2, errors=True)

# Define the domains.
domain(id='N', spin_id=":1-78")
domain(id='C', spin_id=":80-148")

# The tensor domains and reductions.
full = ['Dy N-dom', 'Tb N-dom', 'Tm N-dom', 'Er N-dom', 'Yb N-dom', 'Ho N-dom']
red =  ['Dy C-dom', 'Tb C-dom', 'Tm C-dom', 'Er C-dom', 'Yb C-dom', 'Ho C-dom']
ids = ['dy', 'tb', 'tm', 'er', 'yb', 'ho']
for i in range(len(full)):
    # Initialise the reduced tensors (fitted during optimisation).
    align_tensor.init(tensor=red[i], align_id=ids[i], params=(0, 0, 0, 0, 0))

    # Set the domain info.
    align_tensor.set_domain(tensor=full[i], domain='N')
    align_tensor.set_domain(tensor=red[i], domain='C')

    # Specify which tensor is reduced.
    align_tensor.reduction(full_tensor=full[i], red_tensor=red[i])

# Set the reference domain.

# Set the initial pivot point.
pivot = array([ 21.863, 5.270, 5.934])
frame_order.pivot(pivot, fix=False)

# Set the paramagnetic centre position.
paramag.centre(pos=[6.518, 8.520, 13.767])

# Duplicate the PCS data subset data pipe to create a data pipe containing all the PCS data.
DATA = "Data - " + PIPE_BUNDLE
pipe.copy(pipe_from=SUBSET, pipe_to=DATA, bundle_to=PIPE_BUNDLE)

# Load the complete PCS data into the already filled data pipe.
for i in range(len(ln)):
    # The 15N PCS.[i], file=pcs_files[i], dir='../../../align_data/CaM_IQ/', res_num_col=1, data_col=2, error_col=4, spin_id='@N')

    # The 1H PCS.[i], file=pcs_files[i], dir='../../../align_data/CaM_IQ/', res_num_col=1, data_col=3, error_col=4, spin_id='@H')

# Execution.

# Do not change!
Frame_order_analysis(data_pipe_full=DATA, data_pipe_subset=SUBSET, pipe_bundle=PIPE_BUNDLE, results_dir=None, opt_rigid=OPT_RIGID, opt_subset=OPT_SUBSET, opt_full=OPT_FULL, opt_mc=OPT_MC, mc_sim_num=MC_NUM, models=MODELS)

Once this analysis has been completed then, a refinement step is required. This is due to the low amount of motion in the system which causes the pivot point to be less well defined and hence strongly affected by artifacts of discrete sampling of a continuous and uniform distribution. The collapse of certain cone open half-angles and torsion angles to zero also causes the number of Sobol' points N to sometimes be zero. The refinement script is:

"""Script for black-box Frame Order analysis.

This is for the CaM-IQ data.

The free rotor pseudo-elliptic cone model is not used in this script as the cone X and Y opening angles cannot be differentiated with simply RDC and PCS data, hence this model is perfectly approximated by the free rotor isotropic cone.

# Python module imports.
from time import asctime, localtime

# relax module imports.
from auto_analyses.frame_order import Frame_order_analysis, Optimisation_settings

# Analysis variables.

# The frame order models to use.
    'iso cone',
    'iso cone, torsionless',
    'pseudo-ellipse, torsionless',
    'double rotor'

# The number of Monte Carlo simulations to be used for error analysis at the end of the protocol.
MC_NUM = 10

# Full data set optimisation setup.
OPT_FULL = Optimisation_settings()
OPT_FULL.add_min(min_algor='simplex', func_tol=1e-4, quad_int=True)

# Monte Carlo simulation optimisation setup.
OPT_MC = Optimisation_settings()
OPT_MC.add_min(min_algor='simplex', func_tol=1e-3, quad_int=True)

# Set up the base data pipes.

# The data pipe bundle to group all data pipes.
PIPE_BUNDLE = "Frame Order (%s)" % asctime(localtime())

# Execution.

# Do not change!
Frame_order_analysis(pipe_bundle=PIPE_BUNDLE, results_dir='refinement', pre_run_dir='.', opt_full=OPT_FULL, opt_mc=OPT_MC, mc_sim_num=MC_NUM, models=MODELS)

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.