

Image bmrb Image documentation


Specify a citation to be added the BMRB data file.


bmrb.citation(cite_id=None, authors=None, doi=None, pubmed_id=None, full_citation=None, title=None, status=`published', type=`journal', journal_abbrev=None, journal_full=None, volume=None, issue=None, page_first=None, page_last=None, year=None)

Keyword arguments

cite_id: The citation ID string.

authors: The list of authors. Each author element is a list of four elements (the first name, last name, first initial, and middle initials).

doi: The DOI number, e.g. `10.1000/182'.

pubmed_id: The identification code assigned to the publication by PubMed.

full_citation: The full citation as given in a reference list.

title: The title of the publication.

status: The status of the publication. This can be a value such as `published', `submitted', etc.

type: The type of publication, for example `journal'.

journal_abbrev: The standard journal abbreviation.

journal_full: The full journal name.

volume: The volume number.

issue: The issue number.

page_first: The first page number.

page_last: The last page number.

year: The publication year.


The full_citation should be in a format similar to that used in a journal article by either cutting and pasting from another document or by typing. Please include author names, title, journal, page numbers, and year or equivalent information for the type of publication given.

The journal status can only be one of:

 `in press',

The citation type can only be one of:

 `BMRB only',
 `book chapter',
 `personal communication',

The standard journal abbreviation is that defined by the Chemical Abstract Services for the journal where the data are or will be published. If the data in the deposition are related to a J. Biomol. NMR paper, the value must be `J. Biomol. NMR' to alert the BMRB annotators so that the deposition is properly processed. If the depositor truly does not know the journal, a value of `not known' or `na' is acceptable.

Prompt examples

To add the citation "d'Auvergne E. J., Gooley P. $\mathfrak{R}$. (2007). Set theory formulation of the model-free problem and the diffusion seeded model-free paradigm. Mol. Biosyst., 3(7), 483-494.", type:

relax> bmrb.citation(authors=[["Edward", "d'Auvergne", "E.", "J."], ["Paul", "Gooley", "P.", "R."]], doi="10.1039/b702202f", pubmed_id="17579774", full_citation="d'Auvergne E. J., Gooley P. R. (2007). Set theory formulation of the model-free problem and the diffusion seeded model-free paradigm. Mol. Biosyst., 3(7), 483-494.", title="Set theory formulation of the model-free problem and the diffusion seeded model-free paradigm.", status="published", type="journal", journal_abbrev="Mol. Biosyst.", journal_full="Molecular Biosystems", volume=3, issue=7, page_first=483, page_last=498, year=2007)

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.