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Calculate the RDC Q factor for the selected spins.


rdc.calc_q_factors(spin_id=None, verbosity=1)

Keyword arguments

spin_id: The spin ID string for restricting to subset of all selected spins.

verbosity: The amount of information to print out. Set to zero to silence the user function, or one to see all messages.


For this to work, the back-calculated RDC data must first be generated by the analysis specific code. Otherwise a warning will be given.

Prompt examples

To calculate the RDC Q factor for only the spins `@H26', `@H27', and `@H28', type one of:

relax> rdc.calc_q_factors('@H26 & @H27 & @H28')

relax> rdc.calc_q_factors(spin_id='@H26 & @H27 & @H28')

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.