

Image spectrometer Image frq


Set the spectrometer proton frequency of the experiment.


spectrometer.frequency(id=None, frq=None, units=`Hz')

Keyword arguments

id: The experiment identification string to set the frequency of.

frq: The spectrometer frequency. See the `sfrq' parameter in the Varian procpar file or the `SFO1' parameter in the Bruker acqus file.

units: The units of frequency.


This allows the spectrometer frequency of a given experiment to be set. The expected units are that of the proton resonance frequency in Hertz. See the `sfrq' parameter in the Varian procpar file or the `SFO1' parameter in the Bruker acqus file for the exact value.

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.