

Image spin Image list-add


Copy all data associated with a spin.


spin.copy(pipe_from=None, spin_from=None, pipe_to=None, spin_to=None)

Keyword arguments

pipe_from: The data pipe containing the spin from which the data will be copied. This defaults to the current data pipe.

spin_from: The spin identifier string of the spin to copy the data from.

pipe_to: The data pipe to copy the data to. This defaults to the current data pipe.

spin_to: The spin identifier string of the spin to copy the data to. If left blank, the new spin will have the same name as the old.


This will copy all the data associated with the identified spin to the new, non-existent spin. The new spin must not already exist.

Prompt examples

To copy the spin data from spin 1 to the new spin 2, type:

relax> spin.copy(spin_from='@1', spin_to='@2')

To copy spin 1 of the molecule `Old mol' to spin 5 of the molecule `New mol', type:

relax> spin.copy(spin_from='#Old mol@1', spin_to='#New mol@5')

To copy the spin data of spin 1 from the data pipe `m1' to `m2', assuming the current data pipe is `m1', type:

relax> spin.copy(spin_from='@1', pipe_to='m2')

relax> spin.copy(pipe_from='m1', spin_from='@1', pipe_to='m2', spin_to='@1')

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.