mailRe: SH3, model-free failed (relax GUI)

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Posted by Martin Ballaschk on June 05, 2012 - 15:15:
Hi Edward,

On 05.06.2012, at 14:32, Edward d'Auvergne wrote:
I would recommend reading Sebastien Morin's paper about the
consistency testing to understand how to interpret the plots.  He also
gives the relevant references for the different parts of the tests
where you will find more details.  I would recommend it.  

Yes, of course I read the paper. But since the SH3 is such a small protein 
with a correlation time far less then the 5 ns mentioned in the paper, I'm 
not sure about the reliability of the results. From the interpretation of the 
correlation plots and the "J(0)-test" the data seem to be consistent. 

As for the
model elimination, this is completely explained in my 2006 paper on
model-free model elimination

Thank you for the hint. I should have just printed out and read each and 
every paper of yours. 

Now that I looked more carefully at
the results file, I can see the exact problem.  I would recommend
multiplying your proton frequencies by 1e6, as they should be in Hz ;)

Great news! :D Thank you so much for the hint. I'll start relax once more 
with correct frequency values.

Something that's bugging me anyway, and I should probably file a bug report 
for: There is no convenient or obvious way how to edit the relaxation data 
loaded into the MF auto-analysis. 

Also, deleting NOE data sets is failing here:

relax> relax_data.delete(ri_id='noe.600')
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/relax/gui/", line 311, in run
    apply(fn, args, kwds)
  File "/usr/local/relax/prompt/", line 128, in delete
  File "/usr/local/relax/generic_fns/", line 484, in delete
    del spin.ri_data[ri_id]
KeyError: 'noe.600'

I guess this is some kind of bug. The error message is not telling so much. 
You can try for yourself by opening the "mf_state.bz2" file in the dropbox 


I think I'll add some checks to relax for the input frequency.



On 5 June 2012 13:35, Martin Ballaschk <ballaschk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Edward,

thank you for the reply. I will file a bug report soon.

I'll answer below:

On 05.06.2012, at 11:41, Edward d'Auvergne wrote:
Do you have information about which version of relax you are using?

It's 1.3.16 – newly downloaded from the main page.

Note that this RelaxFault is not much of an issue.  You can see the
exact failure point by looking into the
auto_analyses/ file.

The "relax controller" also showed me the point of failure. I copied the 
last 100.000 lines of messages into this file:

That's the last lines:

relax> pymol.macro_write(data_type='amp_fast', style='classic', 
colour_start=None, colour_end=None, colour_list=None, file=None, 
dir='/faust/TENSOR/sh3_EdA/final/pymol', force=True)
Exception raised in thread.

Traceback (most recent call last):
 File "/usr/local/relax/gui/analyses/", line 88, in run
 File "/usr/local/relax/gui/analyses/", line 765, in 
 File "/usr/local/relax/auto_analyses/", line 223, in 
 File "/usr/local/relax/auto_analyses/", line 710, in 
 File "/usr/local/relax/auto_analyses/", line 858, in 
   self.interpreter.pymol.macro_write(data_type='amp_fast',  dir=dir, 
 File "/usr/local/relax/prompt/", line 266, in macro_write
   pymol_control.macro_write(data_type=data_type, style=style, 
colour_start=colour_start, colour_end=colour_end, colour_list=colour_list, 
file=file, dir=dir, force=force)
 File "/usr/local/relax/generic_fns/", line 458, in 
   commands = create_macro(data_type=data_type, style=style, 
colour_start=colour_start, colour_end=colour_end, colour_list=colour_list)
 File "/usr/local/relax/generic_fns/", line 352, in 
   commands = macro(data_type, style, colour_start, colour_end, 
 File "/usr/local/relax/specific_fns/model_free/", line 551, 
in create_macro
   self.classic_style(data_type, colour_start, colour_end, colour_list, 
 File "/usr/local/relax/specific_fns/model_free/", line 242, 
in classic_style
   raise RelaxFault

Storing the relax state in the file 'relax_state_20120602_135951.bz2'.

RelaxFault: RelaxError: Impossible to be here, please re-run relax with 
the '--debug' flag and summit a bug report at

[...]  This means that you have the results for
the completed analysis sitting on your computer!

Yes, you're right. I can see the the final result files in the respective 
directories ("./final"). Unfortunately, something is still wrong, and I 
suspect it's my data.

relax obviously went for the ellipsoid model, but during the runs, most of 
the spin systems got eliminated. That means, for most of the parameters I 
don't have any values (see ).

I don't really understand what exactly is tested against what when relax 
tells me e.g.:

Data pipe 'm5':  The ts value of 8.5026e-10 is greater than 6.377e-10, 
eliminating spin system '#1aey-NMR_mol1:30&:ILE@410&@N'.

I'm sure that's described somewhere in the manual or the thesis, but I 
couldn't find it.


So what can I do about this. The obviuos thing is to validate my data 
(again) and finally do the temperature calibration at the 750 machine. 
Isn't it odd that the R1, R2 methanol calibrations we did showed no 
differences in ppm, regardless of the duration of the R2 measurements?

Is maybe the peak maximum searching in CCPN introducing systematic error 
by picking positive noise on top of the peaks?

The NOE error calculation in CCPN is somewhat opaque and is based on 
getting the spectrum noise. Could a under / overestimation of the NOE 
errors lead to such a massive elimination of spin models?

I don't really know where to start looking for errors.


On 5 June 2012 11:00, Martin Ballaschk <ballaschk@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hello Edward, hello relax-users,

for five days relax calculated mf models for SH3 and then something went 
wrong. It stopped with

RelaxFault: RelaxError: Impossible to be here, please re-run relax with 
the '--debug' flag and summit a bug report at

A look at the relax messages tells me that almost all spin got 
eleminated. The "debugging run" is still running.

I will try to give a detailed description of what we've done to collect 
the input data and maybe you can give me a hint what may be a problem; 
if it's something with the sample, the measuring setup or the processing 


1.) Protein / sample

* SH3 from chicken alpha-spectrin, 62 residues (1AEY.pdb)
* 2H/13C/15N and metyhl-group labeled
* concentration: ~ .5 mM
* our "all-purpose model protein" for testing new stuff

2.) Data collection

* two fields: 600 MHz & 750 MHz (Bruker spectrometers with cryo probes)
* 600 machine:
* 750 machine:
* temperature: 300.1 K
  o comparison between between T1 and T2 temperatures /w methanol
    gave *no* differences in temperature at the 600 MHz machine (!)
  o 750 MHz spectrometer needs still to be tested though
  o temperature differences in HetNOE also need to be tested
* single-scan interleaved recording was performed for T1, T2 and HetNOE 
* T1: delays between 12 and 1500 ms, 8 data points, 4 of them replicated
* T2: delays between 17 and 217 ms, 8 data points, 4 of them replicated

3.) Data processing

* processing of all spectra: Bruker TOPSPIN 3.1
* peak picking with CCPN 2.2.1:
 o T1, T2 (pseudo-3D) picked with „Follow intensity changes“ function
 o HetNOE (2D planes) picked with „Heteronuclear NOE“ function
* T1, T2 analysed with relax' fitting function
* consisteny testing performed with Sebastien Morins script
 (although I'm not sure about the interpretation of the results,
 also: the molecule is very small and tau_m < 5ns)

4.) Model-free analysis within relax GUI

* imported all relaxation data as described
* CSA, bond length values: default values taken
* unit vectors from 1AEY.pdb (averaged in relax)

All the relax data of this run including the results files and 
consistency testing plots have been made publicly available:

I would be very grateful if you could have a look at the data and tell 
me: is it me or is it a bug?


Martin Ballaschk
AG Schmieder
Leibniz-Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie
Robert-Rössle-Str. 10
13125 Berlin
Tel.: +49-30-94793-234/315
Büro: A 1.26
Labor: C 1.10

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