
Format of the commit logs

If you are a relax developer and you have commit access to the repository the following conventions should be followed for all commit messages.

Example commit logs

Note these are old commit logs prior to the switch from SVN to git and prior to the Gna! shutdown (see Section 3.1 on page [*]). An example of a commit message for the closure of a bug is:

Fixing the rest of bug #7241 (

Bug #7241 was thought to be fixed in in r2591 and r2593, the commit messages describing the solution
being located at (Message-id:
<>) for r2591 and (Message-id:
<>) for r2593.

However this was not the only place that the Scientific Python PDB data structure peptide_chains was
being accessed.  The chains were being accessed in the file 'generic_fns/' when the
sequence was being read out of the PDB file.  This has now been modified with changes similar to
r2591 and r2593.

An example of a commit message for changes relating to a task is:

This change implements half of task #3630 (

The docstring in the generic optimisation function has been modified to clear up the ambiguity cased
by supplying the option 'None' together with Newton optimisation.

One last commit message example is:

Added the API documentation creation (using Epydoc) to the Scons scripts.

The Scons target to create the HTML API documentation is called 'api_manual_html'.  The
documentation can be created by typing:
$ scons api_manual_html

The function 'compile_api_manual_html()' was added to the 'scons/' file.  This function
runs the 'epydoc' command.  All the Epydoc options are specified in that function.

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.