

Image align_tensor Image grace_icon


Generate a correlation plot of the measured vs. the back-calculated PCSs.


pcs.corr_plot(format=`grace', title=None, subtitle=None, file=`pcs_corr_plot.agr', dir=None, force=False)

Keyword arguments

format: The format of the plot data.

title: The title for the plot, overriding the default.

subtitle: The subtitle for the plot, overriding the default.

file: The name of the Grace file to create.

dir: The directory name.

force: A flag which if True will cause the file to be overwritten.


Two formats are currently supported. If format is set to `grace', then a Grace plot file will be created. If the format is not set then a plain text list of the measured and back-calculated data will be created.

Prompt examples

To create a Grace plot of the data, type:

relax> pcs.corr_plot()

To create a plain text list of the measured and back-calculated data, type one of:

relax> pcs.corr_plot(None)

relax> pcs.corr_plot(format=None)

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.