mailRe: setting up relax on mac

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Posted by Edward d'Auvergne on August 09, 2013 - 17:06:
Sorry, wrong instructions again.  I used my swig command rather than
yours.  Try instead:

$ swig -python -I/sw/include/suitesparse/ -I/opt/local/include
-I/opt/local/include -I/opt/local/include -o
-outdir build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/sparse/linalg/dsolve/umfpack



On 9 August 2013 17:00, Edward d'Auvergne <edward@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I just realised that different Xcode versions may not recognise these
environmental variables.  If you still have a problem with the
umfpack_*.h files, type the following hack command in your scipy

$ swig -I/sw/include/suitesparse/ -python -o
-outdir build/src.macosx-10.5-fat3-2.7/scipy/sparse/linalg/dsolve/umfpack

The chance that this works in C shell is very, very low, so try it in
bash.  Then just run the compilation command again:

$ PATH=/usr/local/bin/:$PATH C_INCLUDE_PATH=/sw/include/ suitesparse/
~/bin/python2.7 install

The swig command will build the Scipy part requining the umfpack_*.h
files, and then the python command will continue happily.



On 9 August 2013 16:30, Edward d'Auvergne <edward@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

You're actually almost there.  That swig error with umfpack.i is
exactly the same problem I had yesterday when I was multiply
reinstalling everything on my Mac system.  The problem was that it
could not find the suitesparse header *.h files.  I found these on my
system at /sw/include/suitesparse - please make sure you have this
directory with umfpack_*.h files in it too - and that is what the
C_INCLUDE_PATH variable is for.  The rest of the problems is due to
the C shell so, for avoiding a lot of pain, I would recommend
temporarily switching to bash.  C shell issues caused the PATH error
message you saw.  So please try the following:

[gre:~/Downloads/scipy-0.12.0] % bash
gre:scipy-0.12.0 $ PATH=/usr/local/bin/:$PATH
suitesparse/ ~/bin/python2.7

It is imperative to have the PATH and C_INCLUDE_PATH environmental
variables set this way before the Python command.  Otherwise Scipy
will not be in a functional state and the import will give exactly the
error you saw.  And /sw/include/suitesparse/ must exist and contain a
pile of umfpack_*.h files in it.  We almost have it running now!  Life
is tough having multiple Python versions around on a Mac!



On 9 August 2013 16:04, Paul Schanda <paul.schanda@xxxxxx> wrote:
Well, I compiled now numpy, scipy and minfx from source.

I encountered a problem setting the PATH as you suggested, apparently some
conflict with an existing nmrPipe path.

[gre:~] paul% cd Downloads/

[gre:~/Downloads] paul% cd scipy-0.12.0

[gre:~/Downloads/scipy-0.12.0] paul% PATH=/usr/local/bin/:$PATH

Command not found.

I also get problems compiling scipy.

[gre:~/Downloads/scipy-0.12.0] paul% /usr/local/bin/python2.7

Running from scipy source directory.

[I skip some lines but put everything at the end of this message.]

building extension "scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve._superlu" sources

building extension "scipy.sparse.linalg.dsolve.umfpack.__umfpack" sources

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/sparse/linalg/dsolve


  adding 'scipy/sparse/linalg/dsolve/umfpack/umfpack.i' to sources.

swig: scipy/sparse/linalg/dsolve/umfpack/umfpack.i

swig -python -I/opt/local/include -I/opt/local/include
-I/opt/local/include -o

unable to execute swig: No such file or directory

error: command 'swig' failed with exit status 1

Funny enough, though, I can import scipy into the python version with 
I compiled scipy:

[gre:~/relax/relax_disp] paul% /usr/local/bin/python

Python 2.7.5 (v2.7.5:ab05e7dd2788, May 13 2013, 13:18:45)

[GCC 4.2.1 (Apple Inc. build 5666) (dot 3)] on darwin

Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

import scipy

Maybe the scipy I import is some old stuff that was there before.

I also compiled again minfx from source, as there was also an issue with
minfx when doing
/usr/local/bin/python ~/relax/relax_disp/relax -g
 - some dependency issue.

Anyways, this seems to work, minfx is there.

Nonetheless, when doing
/usr/local/bin/python ~/relax/relax_disp/relax -g
I get

[gre:~/relax/relax_disp] paul% /usr/local/bin/python
~/relax/relax_disp/relax -g

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Users/paul/relax/relax_disp/relax", line 4, in <module>

    import relax

  File "/Users/paul/relax/relax_disp/", line 66, in <module>


  File "/Users/paul/relax/relax_disp/user_functions/", line 95,
in initialise

    import user_functions.consistency_tests

  File "/Users/paul/relax/relax_disp/user_functions/",
line 29, in <module>

    from specific_analyses.setup import consistency_tests_obj

  File "/Users/paul/relax/relax_disp/specific_analyses/", line 29,
in <module>

    from specific_analyses.frame_order import Frame_order

line 61, in <module>

    from target_functions import frame_order

  File "/Users/paul/relax/relax_disp/target_functions/", 
39, in <module>

    from lib.frame_order.iso_cone import compile_2nd_matrix_iso_cone,
pcs_numeric_int_iso_cone, pcs_numeric_int_iso_cone_qrint

  File "/Users/paul/relax/relax_disp/lib/frame_order/", line 
in <module>

    from scipy.integrate import tplquad

line 50, in <module>

    from .quadrature import *

line 6, in <module>

    from scipy.special.orthogonal import p_roots

line 529, in <module>

    from ._ufuncs import *

2): no suitable image found.  Did find:

no matching architecture in universal wrapper

[gre:~/relax/relax_disp] paul%

Seems really complicated getting everything up and running.



This is the output of the scipy compilation, of which I showed only a few
lines above:

[gre:~/Downloads/scipy-0.12.0] paul% /usr/local/bin/python2.7

Running from scipy source directory.



    extra_link_args = ['-Wl,-framework', '-Wl,Accelerate']

    define_macros = [('NO_ATLAS_INFO', 3)]

    extra_compile_args = ['-msse3',



    extra_link_args = ['-Wl,-framework', '-Wl,Accelerate']

    define_macros = [('NO_ATLAS_INFO', 3)]

    extra_compile_args = ['-msse3']




    libraries = ['amd']

    library_dirs = ['/opt/local/lib']

    swig_opts = ['-I/opt/local/include']

    define_macros = [('SCIPY_AMD_H', None)]

    include_dirs = ['/opt/local/include']


    libraries = ['umfpack', 'amd']

    library_dirs = ['/opt/local/lib']

    swig_opts = ['-I/opt/local/include', '-I/opt/local/include']

    define_macros = [('SCIPY_UMFPACK_H', None), ('SCIPY_AMD_H', None)]

    include_dirs = ['/opt/local/include']

running install

running build

running config_cc

unifing config_cc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands 

running config_fc

unifing config_fc, config, build_clib, build_ext, build commands 

running build_src


building py_modules sources

creating build

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy

building library "dfftpack" sources

building library "fftpack" sources

building library "linpack_lite" sources

building library "mach" sources

building library "quadpack" sources

building library "odepack" sources

building library "dop" sources

building library "fitpack" sources

building library "odrpack" sources

building library "minpack" sources

building library "rootfind" sources

building library "superlu_src" sources

building library "arpack_scipy" sources

building library "sc_c_misc" sources

building library "sc_cephes" sources

building library "sc_mach" sources

building library "sc_amos" sources

building library "sc_cdf" sources

building library "sc_specfun" sources

building library "statlib" sources

building extension "scipy.cluster._vq" sources

building extension "scipy.cluster._hierarchy_wrap" sources

building extension "scipy.fftpack._fftpack" sources

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/fftpack

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/fftpack/src

conv_template:> build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/fftpack/src/dct.c

conv_template:> build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/fftpack/src/dst.c

f2py options: []

f2py: scipy/fftpack/fftpack.pyf

Reading fortran codes...

    Reading file 'scipy/fftpack/fftpack.pyf' (format:free)

Line #86 in scipy/fftpack/fftpack.pyf:"       /* Single precision version

    crackline:2: No pattern for line


    Block: _fftpack

            Block: zfft

            Block: drfft

            Block: zrfft

            Block: zfftnd

            Block: destroy_zfft_cache

            Block: destroy_zfftnd_cache

            Block: destroy_drfft_cache

            Block: cfft

            Block: rfft

            Block: crfft

            Block: cfftnd

            Block: destroy_cfft_cache

            Block: destroy_cfftnd_cache

            Block: destroy_rfft_cache

            Block: ddct1

            Block: ddct2

            Block: ddct3

            Block: dct1

            Block: dct2

            Block: dct3

            Block: destroy_ddct2_cache

            Block: destroy_ddct1_cache

            Block: destroy_dct2_cache

            Block: destroy_dct1_cache

            Block: ddst1

            Block: ddst2

            Block: ddst3

            Block: dst1

            Block: dst2

            Block: dst3

            Block: destroy_ddst2_cache

            Block: destroy_ddst1_cache

            Block: destroy_dst2_cache

            Block: destroy_dst1_cache

Post-processing (stage 2)...

Building modules...

    Building module "_fftpack"...

        Constructing wrapper function "zfft"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = zfft(x,[n,direction,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "drfft"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = drfft(x,[n,direction,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "zrfft"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = zrfft(x,[n,direction,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "zfftnd"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = zfftnd(x,[s,direction,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_zfft_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_zfftnd_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_drfft_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "cfft"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = cfft(x,[n,direction,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "rfft"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = rfft(x,[n,direction,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "crfft"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = crfft(x,[n,direction,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "cfftnd"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = cfftnd(x,[s,direction,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_cfft_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_cfftnd_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_rfft_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "ddct1"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = ddct1(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "ddct2"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = ddct2(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "ddct3"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = ddct3(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "dct1"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = dct1(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "dct2"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = dct2(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "dct3"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = dct3(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_ddct2_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_ddct1_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_dct2_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_dct1_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "ddst1"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = ddst1(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "ddst2"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = ddst2(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "ddst3"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = ddst3(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "dst1"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = dst1(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "dst2"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = dst2(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "dst3"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = dst3(x,[n,normalize,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_ddst2_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_ddst1_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_dst2_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_dst1_cache"...


    Wrote C/API module "_fftpack" to file

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/fortranobject.c' to sources.

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7' to include_dirs.

-> build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7

-> build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7

building extension "scipy.fftpack.convolve" sources

f2py options: []

f2py: scipy/fftpack/convolve.pyf

Reading fortran codes...

    Reading file 'scipy/fftpack/convolve.pyf' (format:free)


    Block: convolve__user__routines

            Block: kernel_func

    Block: convolve

            Block: init_convolution_kernel


get_useparameters: no module convolve__user__routines info used by

            Block: destroy_convolve_cache

            Block: convolve

            Block: convolve_z

Post-processing (stage 2)...

Building modules...

    Constructing call-back function

      def kernel_func(k): return kernel_func

    Building module "convolve"...

        Constructing wrapper function "init_convolution_kernel"...

          omega =

        Constructing wrapper function "destroy_convolve_cache"...


        Constructing wrapper function "convolve"...

          y = convolve(x,omega,[swap_real_imag,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "convolve_z"...

          y = convolve_z(x,omega_real,omega_imag,[overwrite_x])

    Wrote C/API module "convolve" to file

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/fortranobject.c' to sources.

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7' to include_dirs.

building extension "scipy.integrate._quadpack" sources

building extension "scipy.integrate._odepack" sources

building extension "scipy.integrate.vode" sources

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/integrate

f2py options: []

f2py: scipy/integrate/vode.pyf

Reading fortran codes...

    Reading file 'scipy/integrate/vode.pyf' (format:free)


    Block: dvode__user__routines

        Block: dvode_user_interface

            Block: f

            Block: jac

    Block: zvode__user__routines

        Block: zvode_user_interface

            Block: f

            Block: jac

    Block: vode

            Block: dvode

In: scipy/integrate/vode.pyf:vode:unknown_interface:dvode

get_useparameters: no module dvode__user__routines info used by dvode

            Block: zvode

In: scipy/integrate/vode.pyf:vode:unknown_interface:zvode

get_useparameters: no module zvode__user__routines info used by zvode

Post-processing (stage 2)...

Building modules...

    Constructing call-back function "cb_f_in_dvode__user__routines"

      def f(t,y): return ydot

    Constructing call-back function "cb_jac_in_dvode__user__routines"

      def jac(t,y): return jac

    Constructing call-back function "cb_f_in_zvode__user__routines"

      def f(t,y): return ydot

    Constructing call-back function "cb_jac_in_zvode__user__routines"

      def jac(t,y): return jac

    Building module "vode"...

        Constructing wrapper function "dvode"...

warning: callstatement is defined without callprotoargument

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y,t,istate =

        Constructing wrapper function "zvode"...

warning: callstatement is defined without callprotoargument

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y,t,istate =

    Wrote C/API module "vode" to file

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/fortranobject.c' to sources.

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7' to include_dirs.

building extension "scipy.integrate.lsoda" sources

f2py options: []

f2py: scipy/integrate/lsoda.pyf

Reading fortran codes...

    Reading file 'scipy/integrate/lsoda.pyf' (format:free)


    Block: lsoda__user__routines

        Block: lsoda_user_interface

            Block: f

            Block: jac

    Block: lsoda

            Block: lsoda

In: scipy/integrate/lsoda.pyf:lsoda:unknown_interface:lsoda

get_useparameters: no module lsoda__user__routines info used by lsoda

Post-processing (stage 2)...

Building modules...

    Constructing call-back function "cb_f_in_lsoda__user__routines"

      def f(t,y): return ydot

    Constructing call-back function "cb_jac_in_lsoda__user__routines"

      def jac(t,y): return jac

    Building module "lsoda"...

        Constructing wrapper function "lsoda"...

warning: callstatement is defined without callprotoargument

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y,t,istate =

    Wrote C/API module "lsoda" to file

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/fortranobject.c' to sources.

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7' to include_dirs.

building extension "scipy.integrate._dop" sources

f2py options: []

f2py: scipy/integrate/dop.pyf

Reading fortran codes...

    Reading file 'scipy/integrate/dop.pyf' (format:free)


    Block: __user__routines

            Block: fcn

            Block: solout

    Block: _dop

            Block: dopri5

In: scipy/integrate/dop.pyf:_dop:unknown_interface:dopri5

get_useparameters: no module __user__routines info used by dopri5

            Block: dop853

In: scipy/integrate/dop.pyf:_dop:unknown_interface:dop853

get_useparameters: no module __user__routines info used by dop853

Post-processing (stage 2)...

Building modules...

    Constructing call-back function "cb_fcn_in___user__routines"

      def fcn(x,y): return f

    Constructing call-back function "cb_solout_in___user__routines"

      def solout(nr,xold,x,y,con,icomp,[nd]): return irtn

    Building module "_dop"...

        Constructing wrapper function "dopri5"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y,iwork,idid =

        Constructing wrapper function "dop853"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y,iwork,idid =

    Wrote C/API module "_dop" to file

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/fortranobject.c' to sources.

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7' to include_dirs.

building extension "scipy.interpolate.interpnd" sources

building extension "scipy.interpolate._fitpack" sources

building extension "scipy.interpolate.dfitpack" sources

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/interpolate

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/interpolate/src

f2py options: []

f2py: scipy/interpolate/src/fitpack.pyf

Reading fortran codes...

    Reading file 'scipy/interpolate/src/fitpack.pyf' (format:free)


    Block: dfitpack

            Block: splev

            Block: splder

            Block: splint

            Block: sproot

            Block: spalde

            Block: curfit

            Block: percur

            Block: parcur

            Block: fpcurf0

            Block: fpcurf1

            Block: fpcurfm1

            Block: bispev

            Block: bispeu

            Block: surfit_smth

            Block: surfit_lsq

            Block: spherfit_smth

            Block: spherfit_lsq

            Block: regrid_smth

            Block: regrid_smth_spher

            Block: dblint

Post-processing (stage 2)...

Building modules...

    Building module "dfitpack"...

        Constructing wrapper function "splev"...

          y = splev(t,c,k,x,[e])

        Constructing wrapper function "splder"...

          y = splder(t,c,k,x,[nu,e])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "splint"("splint")...

        Constructing wrapper function "splint"...

          splint = splint(t,c,k,a,b)

        Constructing wrapper function "sproot"...

          zero,m,ier = sproot(t,c,[mest])

        Constructing wrapper function "spalde"...

          d,ier = spalde(t,c,k,x)

        Constructing wrapper function "curfit"...

          n,c,fp,ier = curfit(iopt,x,y,w,t,wrk,iwrk,[xb,xe,k,s])

        Constructing wrapper function "percur"...

          n,c,fp,ier = percur(iopt,x,y,w,t,wrk,iwrk,[k,s])

        Constructing wrapper function "parcur"...

          n,c,fp,ier = parcur(iopt,ipar,idim,u,x,w,ub,ue,t,wrk,iwrk,[k,s])

        Constructing wrapper function "fpcurf0"...

          x,y,w,xb,xe,k,s,n,t,c,fp,fpint,nrdata,ier =

        Constructing wrapper function "fpcurf1"...

          x,y,w,xb,xe,k,s,n,t,c,fp,fpint,nrdata,ier =

        Constructing wrapper function "fpcurfm1"...

          x,y,w,xb,xe,k,s,n,t,c,fp,fpint,nrdata,ier =

        Constructing wrapper function "bispev"...

          z,ier = bispev(tx,ty,c,kx,ky,x,y)

        Constructing wrapper function "bispeu"...

          z,ier = bispeu(tx,ty,c,kx,ky,x,y)

        Constructing wrapper function "surfit_smth"...

          nx,tx,ny,ty,c,fp,wrk1,ier =

        Constructing wrapper function "surfit_lsq"...

          tx,ty,c,fp,ier =

        Constructing wrapper function "spherfit_smth"...

          nt,tt,np,tp,c,fp,ier = spherfit_smth(teta,phi,r,[w,s,eps])

        Constructing wrapper function "spherfit_lsq"...

          tt,tp,c,fp,ier =

        Constructing wrapper function "regrid_smth"...

          nx,tx,ny,ty,c,fp,ier = regrid_smth(x,y,z,[xb,xe,yb,ye,kx,ky,s])

        Constructing wrapper function "regrid_smth_spher"...

          nu,tu,nv,tv,c,fp,ier =

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "dblint"("dblint")...

        Constructing wrapper function "dblint"...

          dblint = dblint(tx,ty,c,kx,ky,xb,xe,yb,ye)

    Wrote C/API module "dfitpack" to file

    Fortran 77 wrappers are saved to

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/fortranobject.c' to sources.

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7' to include_dirs.

to sources.

building extension "scipy.interpolate._interpolate" sources

building extension "" sources

building extension "" sources

building extension "" sources

building extension "scipy.lib.blas.fblas" sources

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/lib

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/lib/blas

from_template:> build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/lib/blas/fblas.pyf

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/blas/fblas_l1.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/blas/fblas_l2.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/blas/fblas_l3.pyf.src')

Mismatch in number of replacements (base <prefix=s,d,c,z>) for <__l1=->.


creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/build

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7




f2py options: []

f2py: build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/lib/blas/fblas.pyf

Reading fortran codes...

    Reading file 


    Block: fblas

            Block: srotg

            Block: drotg

            Block: crotg

            Block: zrotg

            Block: srotmg

            Block: drotmg

            Block: srot

            Block: drot

            Block: csrot

            Block: zdrot

            Block: srotm

            Block: drotm

            Block: sswap

            Block: dswap

            Block: cswap

            Block: zswap

            Block: sscal

            Block: dscal

            Block: cscal

            Block: zscal

            Block: csscal

            Block: zdscal

            Block: scopy

            Block: dcopy

            Block: ccopy

            Block: zcopy

            Block: saxpy

            Block: daxpy

            Block: caxpy

            Block: zaxpy

            Block: sdot

            Block: ddot

            Block: cdotu

            Block: zdotu

            Block: cdotc

            Block: zdotc

            Block: snrm2

            Block: dnrm2

            Block: scnrm2

            Block: dznrm2

            Block: sasum

            Block: dasum

            Block: scasum

            Block: dzasum

            Block: isamax

            Block: idamax

            Block: icamax

            Block: izamax

            Block: sgemv

            Block: dgemv

            Block: cgemv

            Block: zgemv

            Block: ssymv

            Block: dsymv

            Block: chemv

            Block: zhemv

            Block: strmv

            Block: dtrmv

            Block: ctrmv

            Block: ztrmv

            Block: sger

            Block: dger

            Block: cgeru

            Block: zgeru

            Block: cgerc

            Block: zgerc

            Block: sgemm

            Block: dgemm

            Block: cgemm

            Block: zgemm

Post-processing (stage 2)...

Building modules...

    Building module "fblas"...

        Constructing wrapper function "srotg"...

          c,s = srotg(a,b)

        Constructing wrapper function "drotg"...

          c,s = drotg(a,b)

        Constructing wrapper function "crotg"...

          c,s = crotg(a,b)

        Constructing wrapper function "zrotg"...

          c,s = zrotg(a,b)

        Constructing wrapper function "srotmg"...

          param = srotmg(d1,d2,x1,y1)

        Constructing wrapper function "drotmg"...

          param = drotmg(d1,d2,x1,y1)

        Constructing wrapper function "srot"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y =

        Constructing wrapper function "drot"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y =

        Constructing wrapper function "csrot"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y =

        Constructing wrapper function "zdrot"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y =

        Constructing wrapper function "srotm"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y =

        Constructing wrapper function "drotm"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y =

        Constructing wrapper function "sswap"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y = sswap(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "dswap"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y = dswap(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "cswap"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y = cswap(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "zswap"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x,y = zswap(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "sscal"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = sscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx])

        Constructing wrapper function "dscal"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = dscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx])

        Constructing wrapper function "cscal"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = cscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx])

        Constructing wrapper function "zscal"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = zscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx])

        Constructing wrapper function "csscal"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = csscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "zdscal"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = zdscal(a,x,[n,offx,incx,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "scopy"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = scopy(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "dcopy"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = dcopy(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "ccopy"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = ccopy(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "zcopy"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y = zcopy(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "saxpy"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          z = saxpy(x,y,[n,a,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "daxpy"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          z = daxpy(x,y,[n,a,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "caxpy"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          z = caxpy(x,y,[n,a,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "zaxpy"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          z = zaxpy(x,y,[n,a,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "sdot"("sdot")...

        Constructing wrapper function "sdot"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          xy = sdot(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "ddot"("ddot")...

        Constructing wrapper function "ddot"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          xy = ddot(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "cdotu"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          xy = cdotu(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "zdotu"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          xy = zdotu(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "cdotc"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          xy = cdotc(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Constructing wrapper function "zdotc"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          xy = zdotc(x,y,[n,offx,incx,offy,incy])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "snrm2"("snrm2")...

        Constructing wrapper function "snrm2"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          n2 = snrm2(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "dnrm2"("dnrm2")...

        Constructing wrapper function "dnrm2"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          n2 = dnrm2(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "scnrm2"("scnrm2")...

        Constructing wrapper function "scnrm2"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          n2 = scnrm2(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "dznrm2"("dznrm2")...

        Constructing wrapper function "dznrm2"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          n2 = dznrm2(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "sasum"("sasum")...

        Constructing wrapper function "sasum"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          s = sasum(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "dasum"("dasum")...

        Constructing wrapper function "dasum"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          s = dasum(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "scasum"("scasum")...

        Constructing wrapper function "scasum"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          s = scasum(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Creating wrapper for Fortran function "dzasum"("dzasum")...

        Constructing wrapper function "dzasum"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          s = dzasum(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Constructing wrapper function "isamax"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          k = isamax(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Constructing wrapper function "idamax"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          k = idamax(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Constructing wrapper function "icamax"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          k = icamax(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Constructing wrapper function "izamax"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          k = izamax(x,[n,offx,incx])

        Constructing wrapper function "sgemv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y =

        Constructing wrapper function "dgemv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y =

        Constructing wrapper function "cgemv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y =

        Constructing wrapper function "zgemv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y =

        Constructing wrapper function "ssymv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y =

        Constructing wrapper function "dsymv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y =

        Constructing wrapper function "chemv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y =

        Constructing wrapper function "zhemv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          y =

        Constructing wrapper function "strmv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = strmv(a,x,[offx,incx,lower,trans,unitdiag,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "dtrmv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = dtrmv(a,x,[offx,incx,lower,trans,unitdiag,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "ctrmv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = ctrmv(a,x,[offx,incx,lower,trans,unitdiag,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "ztrmv"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          x = ztrmv(a,x,[offx,incx,lower,trans,unitdiag,overwrite_x])

        Constructing wrapper function "sger"...

          a =

        Constructing wrapper function "dger"...

          a =

        Constructing wrapper function "cgeru"...

          a =

        Constructing wrapper function "zgeru"...

          a =

        Constructing wrapper function "cgerc"...

          a =

        Constructing wrapper function "zgerc"...

          a =

        Constructing wrapper function "sgemm"...

          c = sgemm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,trans_a,trans_b,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgemm"...

          c = dgemm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,trans_a,trans_b,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgemm"...

          c = cgemm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,trans_a,trans_b,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgemm"...

          c = zgemm(alpha,a,b,[beta,c,trans_a,trans_b,overwrite_c])

    Wrote C/API module "fblas" to file

    Fortran 77 wrappers are saved to

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/fortranobject.c' to sources.

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7' to include_dirs.

to sources.

building extension "scipy.lib.blas.cblas" sources

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/lib/blas/cblas.pyf' to

f2py options: []

f2py: build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/lib/blas/cblas.pyf

Reading fortran codes...

    Reading file 


    Block: cblas

            Block: empty_module

Post-processing (stage 2)...

Building modules...

    Building module "cblas"...

        Constructing wrapper function "empty_module"...


    Wrote C/API module "cblas" to file

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/fortranobject.c' to sources.

  adding 'build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7' to include_dirs.

building extension "scipy.lib.lapack.flapack" sources

creating build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/lib/lapack


('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_user.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_le.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_lls.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_esv.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_gesv.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_lec.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_llsc.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_sevc.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_evc.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_svdc.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_gsevc.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_gevc.pyf.src')

('Including file', 'scipy/lib/lapack/flapack_aux.pyf.src')


f2py options: []

f2py: build/src.macosx-10.6-intel-2.7/scipy/lib/lapack/flapack.pyf

Reading fortran codes...

    Reading file

Line #1590 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #1612 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #1634 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #1656 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #1679 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #1704 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #1729 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #1754 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #2647 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #2668 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #2689 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line

Line #2710 in 

    crackline:3: No pattern for line


    Block: flapack

            Block: gees__user__routines

                Block: gees_user_interface

                    Block: sselect

                    Block: dselect

                    Block: cselect

                    Block: zselect

            Block: sgesv

            Block: dgesv

            Block: cgesv

            Block: zgesv

            Block: sgbsv

            Block: dgbsv

            Block: cgbsv

            Block: zgbsv

            Block: sposv

            Block: dposv

            Block: cposv

            Block: zposv

            Block: sgelss

            Block: dgelss

            Block: cgelss

            Block: zgelss

            Block: ssyev

            Block: dsyev

            Block: cheev

            Block: zheev

            Block: ssyevd

            Block: dsyevd

            Block: cheevd

            Block: zheevd

            Block: ssyevr

            Block: dsyevr

            Block: cheevr

            Block: zheevr

            Block: sgees


get_useparameters: no module gees__user__routines info used by sgees

            Block: dgees


get_useparameters: no module gees__user__routines info used by dgees

            Block: cgees


get_useparameters: no module gees__user__routines info used by cgees

            Block: zgees


get_useparameters: no module gees__user__routines info used by zgees

            Block: sgeev

            Block: dgeev

            Block: cgeev

            Block: zgeev

            Block: sgesdd

            Block: dgesdd

            Block: cgesdd

            Block: zgesdd

            Block: ssygv

            Block: dsygv

            Block: chegv

            Block: zhegv

            Block: ssygvd

            Block: dsygvd

            Block: chegvd

            Block: zhegvd

            Block: sggev

            Block: dggev

            Block: cggev

            Block: zggev

            Block: sgetrf

            Block: dgetrf

            Block: cgetrf

            Block: zgetrf

            Block: spotrf

            Block: dpotrf

            Block: cpotrf

            Block: zpotrf

            Block: sgetrs

            Block: dgetrs

            Block: cgetrs

            Block: zgetrs

            Block: spotrs

            Block: dpotrs

            Block: cpotrs

            Block: zpotrs

            Block: sgetri

            Block: dgetri

            Block: cgetri

            Block: zgetri

            Block: spotri

            Block: dpotri

            Block: cpotri

            Block: zpotri

            Block: strtri

            Block: dtrtri

            Block: ctrtri

            Block: ztrtri

            Block: sgeqrf

            Block: dgeqrf

            Block: cgeqrf

            Block: zgeqrf

            Block: sorgqr

            Block: dorgqr

            Block: cungqr

            Block: zungqr

            Block: sgehrd

            Block: dgehrd

            Block: cgehrd

            Block: zgehrd

            Block: sgebal

            Block: dgebal

            Block: cgebal

            Block: zgebal

            Block: slauum

            Block: dlauum

            Block: clauum

            Block: zlauum

            Block: slaswp

            Block: dlaswp

            Block: claswp

            Block: zlaswp

Post-processing (stage 2)...

Building modules...

    Constructing call-back function "cb_sselect_in_gees__user__routines"

      def sselect(arg1,arg2): return sselect

    Constructing call-back function "cb_dselect_in_gees__user__routines"

      def dselect(arg1,arg2): return dselect

    Constructing call-back function "cb_cselect_in_gees__user__routines"

      def cselect(arg): return cselect

    Constructing call-back function "cb_zselect_in_gees__user__routines"

      def zselect(arg): return zselect

    Building module "flapack"...

        Constructing wrapper function "sgesv"...

          lu,piv,x,info = sgesv(a,b,[overwrite_a,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgesv"...

          lu,piv,x,info = dgesv(a,b,[overwrite_a,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgesv"...

          lu,piv,x,info = cgesv(a,b,[overwrite_a,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgesv"...

          lu,piv,x,info = zgesv(a,b,[overwrite_a,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "sgbsv"...

          lub,piv,x,info = sgbsv(kl,ku,ab,b,[overwrite_ab,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgbsv"...

          lub,piv,x,info = dgbsv(kl,ku,ab,b,[overwrite_ab,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgbsv"...

          lub,piv,x,info = cgbsv(kl,ku,ab,b,[overwrite_ab,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgbsv"...

          lub,piv,x,info = zgbsv(kl,ku,ab,b,[overwrite_ab,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "sposv"...

          c,x,info = sposv(a,b,[lower,overwrite_a,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "dposv"...

          c,x,info = dposv(a,b,[lower,overwrite_a,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "cposv"...

          c,x,info = cposv(a,b,[lower,overwrite_a,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "zposv"...

          c,x,info = zposv(a,b,[lower,overwrite_a,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "sgelss"...

          v,x,s,rank,info = 

        Constructing wrapper function "dgelss"...

          v,x,s,rank,info = 

        Constructing wrapper function "cgelss"...

          v,x,s,rank,info = 

        Constructing wrapper function "zgelss"...

          v,x,s,rank,info = 

        Constructing wrapper function "ssyev"...

          w,v,info = ssyev(a,[compute_v,lower,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "dsyev"...

          w,v,info = dsyev(a,[compute_v,lower,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "cheev"...

          w,v,info = cheev(a,[compute_v,lower,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "zheev"...

          w,v,info = zheev(a,[compute_v,lower,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "ssyevd"...

          w,v,info = ssyevd(a,[compute_v,lower,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "dsyevd"...

          w,v,info = dsyevd(a,[compute_v,lower,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "cheevd"...

          w,v,info = cheevd(a,[compute_v,lower,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "zheevd"...

          w,v,info = zheevd(a,[compute_v,lower,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "ssyevr"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "dsyevr"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "cheevr"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "zheevr"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "sgees"...

          t,sdim,wr,wi,vs,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "dgees"...

          t,sdim,wr,wi,vs,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "cgees"...

          t,sdim,w,vs,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "zgees"...

          t,sdim,w,vs,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "sgeev"...

          wr,wi,vl,vr,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "dgeev"...

          wr,wi,vl,vr,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "cgeev"...

          w,vl,vr,info = 

        Constructing wrapper function "zgeev"...

          w,vl,vr,info = 

        Constructing wrapper function "sgesdd"...

          u,s,vt,info = sgesdd(a,[compute_uv,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgesdd"...

          u,s,vt,info = dgesdd(a,[compute_uv,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgesdd"...

          u,s,vt,info = cgesdd(a,[compute_uv,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgesdd"...

          u,s,vt,info = zgesdd(a,[compute_uv,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "ssygv"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "dsygv"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "chegv"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "zhegv"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "ssygvd"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "dsygvd"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "chegvd"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "zhegvd"...

          w,v,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "sggev"...

          alphar,alphai,beta,vl,vr,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "dggev"...

          alphar,alphai,beta,vl,vr,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "cggev"...

          alpha,beta,vl,vr,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "zggev"...

          alpha,beta,vl,vr,info =

        Constructing wrapper function "sgetrf"...

          lu,piv,info = sgetrf(a,[overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgetrf"...

          lu,piv,info = dgetrf(a,[overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgetrf"...

          lu,piv,info = cgetrf(a,[overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgetrf"...

          lu,piv,info = zgetrf(a,[overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "spotrf"...

          c,info = spotrf(a,[lower,clean,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "dpotrf"...

          c,info = dpotrf(a,[lower,clean,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "cpotrf"...

          c,info = cpotrf(a,[lower,clean,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "zpotrf"...

          c,info = zpotrf(a,[lower,clean,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "sgetrs"...

          x,info = sgetrs(lu,piv,b,[trans,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgetrs"...

          x,info = dgetrs(lu,piv,b,[trans,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgetrs"...

          x,info = cgetrs(lu,piv,b,[trans,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgetrs"...

          x,info = zgetrs(lu,piv,b,[trans,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "spotrs"...

          x,info = spotrs(c,b,[lower,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "dpotrs"...

          x,info = dpotrs(c,b,[lower,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "cpotrs"...

          x,info = cpotrs(c,b,[lower,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "zpotrs"...

          x,info = zpotrs(c,b,[lower,overwrite_b])

        Constructing wrapper function "sgetri"...

          inv_a,info = sgetri(lu,piv,[lwork,overwrite_lu])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgetri"...

          inv_a,info = dgetri(lu,piv,[lwork,overwrite_lu])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgetri"...

          inv_a,info = cgetri(lu,piv,[lwork,overwrite_lu])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgetri"...

          inv_a,info = zgetri(lu,piv,[lwork,overwrite_lu])

        Constructing wrapper function "spotri"...

          inv_a,info = spotri(c,[lower,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "dpotri"...

          inv_a,info = dpotri(c,[lower,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "cpotri"...

          inv_a,info = cpotri(c,[lower,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "zpotri"...

          inv_a,info = zpotri(c,[lower,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "strtri"...

          inv_c,info = strtri(c,[lower,unitdiag,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "dtrtri"...

          inv_c,info = dtrtri(c,[lower,unitdiag,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "ctrtri"...

          inv_c,info = ctrtri(c,[lower,unitdiag,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "ztrtri"...

          inv_c,info = ztrtri(c,[lower,unitdiag,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "sgeqrf"...

          qr,tau,info = sgeqrf(a,[lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgeqrf"...

          qr,tau,info = dgeqrf(a,[lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgeqrf"...

          qr,tau,info = cgeqrf(a,[lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgeqrf"...

          qr,tau,info = zgeqrf(a,[lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "sorgqr"...

          q,info = sorgqr(qr,tau,[lwork,overwrite_qr,overwrite_tau])

        Constructing wrapper function "dorgqr"...

          q,info = dorgqr(qr,tau,[lwork,overwrite_qr,overwrite_tau])

        Constructing wrapper function "cungqr"...

          q,info = cungqr(qr,tau,[lwork,overwrite_qr,overwrite_tau])

        Constructing wrapper function "zungqr"...

          q,info = zungqr(qr,tau,[lwork,overwrite_qr,overwrite_tau])

        Constructing wrapper function "sgehrd"...

          ht,tau,info = sgehrd(a,[lo,hi,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgehrd"...

          ht,tau,info = dgehrd(a,[lo,hi,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgehrd"...

          ht,tau,info = cgehrd(a,[lo,hi,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgehrd"...

          ht,tau,info = zgehrd(a,[lo,hi,lwork,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "sgebal"...

          ba,lo,hi,pivscale,info = sgebal(a,[scale,permute,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "dgebal"...

          ba,lo,hi,pivscale,info = dgebal(a,[scale,permute,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "cgebal"...

          ba,lo,hi,pivscale,info = cgebal(a,[scale,permute,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "zgebal"...

          ba,lo,hi,pivscale,info = zgebal(a,[scale,permute,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "slauum"...

          a,info = slauum(c,[lower,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "dlauum"...

          a,info = dlauum(c,[lower,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "clauum"...

          a,info = clauum(c,[lower,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "zlauum"...

          a,info = zlauum(c,[lower,overwrite_c])

        Constructing wrapper function "slaswp"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          a = slaswp(a,piv,[k1,k2,off,inc,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "dlaswp"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          a = dlaswp(a,piv,[k1,k2,off,inc,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "claswp"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          a = claswp(a,piv,[k1,k2,off,inc,overwrite_a])

        Constructing wrapper function "zlaswp"...

getarrdims:warning: assumed shape array, using 0 instead of '*'

          a = zlaswp(a,piv,[k1,k2,off,inc,overwrite_a])

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Powered by MHonArc, Updated Sat Aug 10 08:00:08 2013