mailRe: Displaying output from Model free analysis

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Posted by Edward d'Auvergne on December 15, 2009 - 10:39:
2009/12/13 Ed Olejniczak <edward.t.olejniczak@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
(1) I ran through the protocol and generated in the aic directory a
xml file.
How do I view it?


I just received this earlier email.  Maybe I can answer your questions
a bit more than last time.  You can download and install an XML
viewing program if you wish.  Or you can use the user
function to read the file back into relax, and then the
value.display() or value.write() user functions to display or save the
individual values.  Note that the XML file contains 100% of the
information from your analysis.

The fact that you would like to open a file in the 'aic' directory
sounds like you are not using the script.  If this is
the case and you are new to model-free analysis, I suggest you read my

minimally, the last 3.  These will explain all the intricacies of how
I have been revolutionising the data analysis side of model-free, and
why you should use the new model-free protocol in the
script rather than using the past solution to the chicken or egg
question of using an initial diffusion tensor estimate.

(2) I ran and gnerated a tex file input=aic/
results   output= results.tex

How do I view this latex file?   I have tried pdflatex , latex they
all find errors in the file.

Did you try including it in a LaTeX document?  Have you used LaTeX
before?  Did you try my suggestions in the post at ?

(3)   When I run the protocols all of the "grace" view operations show
a graph with the wrong limits.

To change the limits, see  Oh, I
just looked into your Grace file.  This file is not properly generated
- this was a bug fixed in relax 1.3.4.  See  To obtain valid Grace
files, please switch to this version or use the bleeding edge
repository version.  Note that relax 1.3.4 includes about 1 years
worth of improvements over 1.3.3!  If you have sys admin nightmares,
note that relax can be installed as a user (if a relax version is
already installed, all the dependencies should already be installed so
the hard part is done).

I hope this helps.



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