List of Figures

  1. Prompt screenshot
  2. Scripting screenshot
  3. GUI screenshot
  4. GUI screenshot - Analysis wizard screenshot
  5. GUI screenshot - NOE analysis
  6. GUI screenshot - R1 analysis
  7. GUI screenshot - R2 analysis
  8. GUI screenshot - Model-free analysis
  9. relax controller screenshot
  10. Spin viewer window screenshot
  11. Results viewer window screenshot
  12. Pipe editor window screenshot
  13. Prompt window screenshot
  14. Peak intensity 2D plot xmgrace screenshot
  15. NOE plot
  16. A schematic of the model-free optimisation protocol of Mandel et al., 1995
  17. Model-free analysis using the diffusion seeded paradigm
  18. A schematic of the new model-free optimisation protocol
  19. Example of consistency testing visual analysis
  20. Comparison of relaxation dispersion errors
  21. Frame order in the double pivot system.
  22. Pseudo-ellipse axis permutations.
  23. Isotropic cone axis permutations.
  24. Structural noise and the PCS error.
  25. The core design of relax.
  26. The construction of the model-free gradient.
  27. The model-free Hessian kite.
  28. χ2 dependencies of the values, gradients, and Hessians.
  29. Rotor simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(1) and Daeg(2) elements.
  30. Rotor simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(1) and Daeg(2) elements.
  31. Free rotor simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(1) and Daeg(2) elements.
  32. Free rotor simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(1) and Daeg(2) elements.
  33. Isotropic cone simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  34. Isotropic cone simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(2) elements.
  35. Isotropic cone simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  36. Isotropic cone simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(2) elements.
  37. Torsionless isotropic cone simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(1) and Daeg(2) elements.
  38. Torsionless isotropic cone simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(1) and Daeg(2) elements.
  39. Free-rotor isotropic cone simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(1) and Daeg(2) elements.
  40. Free-rotor isotropic cone simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(1) and Daeg(2) elements.
  41. The pseudo-elliptic cone.
  42. Pseudo-ellipse cosine 2D trigonometric function.
  43. Pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  44. Pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(2) elements.
  45. Pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  46. Pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(2) elements.
  47. Torsionless pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  48. Torsionless pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(2) elements.
  49. Torsionless pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  50. Torsionless pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(2) elements.
  51. Free rotor pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  52. Free rotor pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(2) elements.
  53. Free rotor pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  54. Free rotor pseudo-ellipse simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(2) elements.
  55. Double rotor simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  56. Double rotor simulated and calculated in-frame Daeg(2) elements.
  57. Double rotor simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(1) elements.
  58. Double rotor simulated and calculated out-of-frame Daeg(2) elements.

The relax user manual (PDF), created 2024-06-08.